Soros NGOs Officially Thrown Out of Russia

The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has named George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation as “undesirable groups,” banning Russian citizens and organizations from participation in any of their projects, according to RT today.

In a statement released Monday, prosecutors said the activities of the two NGOs were “a threat to the foundations of Russia’s Constitutional order and national security.”

The investigation began in July when the Duma approved a patriotic “stop-list” of 12 groups for anti-Russian activities. Other groups on the list included the National Endowment for Democracy and its two affiliates, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute, as well as the MacArthur Foundation and Freedom House.

The NED was then immediately declared an undesirable group after prosecutors discovered they had spent millions to undermine Russian elections and “tarnish the prestige of national military service,” said RT.

Soros announced earlier this year that he backs sanctions against Russia and called for a $50 billion fund for Ukraine to “counter Moscow’s nationalist expansionism,” writing in the New York Review of Books that this would foil Putin’s “attempts to destabilize Ukraine.” 

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