The ‘97% consensus’ of scientists on climate change is complete bunk… fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD

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‘The brain-dead media isn’t really in the news business anymore. It’s actually in the business of zombie control… with the zombies being, of course, the leftist libtard obedient propaganda swallowers who are easily fooled by sleight-of-hand trickery being paraded as science. (Then again, there are also CONtards on the right who are easily fooled by fraudulent “GMO science,” so the criticism deserves to be equally distributed across the political establishment…)

If you’ve ever has the misfortune of listening to the libtard leftist media, you’ve probably heard the claim — repeated like a mantra chant to Gaia — that “97% of scientists believe in man-made climate change” (or some similar paraphrased version of this fraudulent claim).’

Read more: The ‘97% consensus’ of scientists on climate change is complete bunk… fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD

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