The Benefits of Installing a Little Free Library

A few years ago, I started seeing little birdhouse-like structures popping up in front lawns around Denver. When I looked closer, though, I realized that these structures held books rather than stoops for birds. Adorned with signs that read “Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book,” I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about this movement of community libraries.

It all started back in 2009 when a gentleman in Wisconsin put up a little library as a tribute to his late mother, who was a teacher and book lover. The idea quickly spread, and Todd Bol soon founded Little Free Library as a non-profit organization. The goal was to share the love of books as far and wide as possible, and boy has the organization done that: there are over 32,000 little free libraries worldwide as of this writing.

As a fellow book lover myself, I wanted in on the movement. My lovely wife bought me a library as a gift (you can buy pre-constructed libraries on their website), and I was able to get it up in our yard over Labor Day weekend this fall. After a few months in operation, I can happily say that it’s been an even bigger success than I imagined.

The little library functions as basically just a neighborhood book exchange. The idea is that someone will take a book that piques their interest, and sometime in the future return either that book, or a totally different one. On a weekly basis, there are dozens of books turned over in my library, and the benefits both to my own life, and to the community at large, have been numerous:

1. Promotes Literacy

As hard as it may be to believe, especially for readers of an internet blog, 14% of the US adult population can’t read. That’s over 30 million people. If that’s not sobering, I don’t know what is. Of adults who are literate, 20% aren’t reading above a 5th-grade level. And even for those who can read well, it doesn’t mean they’re actually doing so. Our culture of online listicles (which, thankfully, is slowly changing) produces readers who only have the attention span to read short snippets of articles, and who seem to proudly ignore anything meaty or lengthy in nature. If this is true of online reading, how much truer does it ring when it comes to books?

Beyond just the enjoyment and fulfillment one often gets from reading, in many ways, the ability to read is one of the bedrocks of being a functional and successful adult in this world. Reading teaches discipline, empathy, history (and what we can learn from it), etc. The benefits are in indeed too numerous to list in full.

Now, having a little library in my yard certainly isn’t teaching folks to read outright, but my hope is that it promotes the idea that literacy is crucially important. Perhaps someone who hasn’t read a book in a decade will pick one up. Perhaps a young adult will grab a book a grade or two above their current reading level, and push themselves to learn and grow in their own literacy. Perhaps a parent or grandparent who can’t afford a book for their (grand)child will take one and be able to pass on the joy of reading to the next generation.

Books are treasures, and by putting a library in my front yard, I’m conveying that idea to my neighborhood, and to all the people who come by our busy corner. It’s an easy and risk-free way for someone to get into a book — there are no library cards to deal with, no endless rows of books to browse and be intimidated by, no guilt in not returning something on time. It’s as simple as it gets when it comes to promoting literacy at the most local level possible.

2. Promotes General Neighborliness

In a society of increasing isolation, getting to know your neighbors is a throwback to another era. Today, kids are kept inside for safety fears, and adults rarely see each other outside of shoveling the walk or grabbing the newspaper. Neighborhood cookouts are a rarity, and rather than grabbing a cup of sugar from next door, we just make a quick jaunt to the store.

The reality is that our neighborhood can be so much more than just the place we live. It can be the community that everyone desperately needs in their life. In the words of Marcus Brotherton: “When it comes to where he lives, an immature man tends to see his neighborhood only as a place to hang his hat. But a mature man sees his neighborhood as a place he helps create.”

You can help create the neighborhood you want to live in — that you want your children to grow up in — by installing a little free library. You’re promoting not only literacy, but friendliness, general well-being, community identity, etc.

What’s nice about the little library is that it’s actually a pretty passive way to build community. While you can certainly organize BBQs, block parties, and other neighborly events, with a library, you build it and install it just once, and from there you don’t do a whole lot other than general upkeep. If you’re like me, though, and regularly checking on the titles housed within, and ensuring the library is maintained well, you’re bound to get to know its patrons better.

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The post The Benefits of Installing a Little Free Library appeared first on LewRockwell.

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