The Best of Radical Writing

1. The Truth About Paris
Eric Margolis on what’s happened, and will happen.
2. How Bad Are American Universities?
Worse than you can imagine. Article by Fred Reed.
3. Want To Be Politically Correct?
Don’t read these.
4. Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property
Lew Rockwell on the libertarian view.
5. There’s No Such Thing as ISIS
The real threat comes from feds and friends, says Tyler Durden.
6. White Supremacy at Mizzou
Gavin McInnes on the hilarious truth.
7. Is the US Deliberately Starting WWIII?
Patrick J. Buchanan on the alarming facts.
8. Mistress of Deception
Hillary’s even worse than you thought. Article by Andrew P. Napolitano.
9. War With Russia To Defend ISIS?
Gee, okay… Article by Jack Perry.
10. The Next Target of #BlackLivesMatter
Thomas DiLorenzo has a suggestion.

The post The Best of Radical Writing appeared first on LewRockwell.

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