The New Policy for the USA Now

Lyndon LaRouche addressed associates in these terms in a discussion on Dec 16.

This is what I’m thinking.  We’re on the edge right now. We’ve got an indication which had been piling up around us,— this has got us super-activated.  And it’s not super-activated in the sense of excess; we’re not exaggerating anything.  We’re underestimating by a great margin; we’re failing to grasp the rate of acceleration of this collapse which is now underway.  I mean, there are historical precedents for this thing, of exactly this kind of thing.  And we’ve struck upon it.  And it could be a week from now, the whole system could be coming down.  That’s the situation you’re in.  Because there’s no value.

And therefore, you don’t have any solution in the sense of a businesslike solution; it doesn’t exist.  And what you have to do is understand what is happening now, versus what would have happened in terms of the Franklin Roosevelt approach.

Because this is a totally uncontrolled, globally uncontrolled process of self-acceleration.  In other words, the acceleration accelerates the rate of acceleration.  So if you think you’re going to be out of business by New Year’s, you’ll have been dead by then.

You’re going to have to think about food supply; you’re going to have think about health care; you’re going to have to think about everything.  You don’t have any security.  The only way you can have security is by creating it.  And you create the security by presenting exactly what will happen if we don’t do the job we have to do.  You have to say, “the British Monarchy is a corpse.  But typical of the British, their corpses tend to walk around the landscape, long after they’re dead.”

So there is no solution to this thing; there is no existing solution to this problem.  And it’s on a global scale, or at least a trans-Atlantic scale immediately, and will of course affect Asia as well, and Russia also.

And the only thing you can do is Franklin Roosevelt’s policy; you have say, “Declare Franklin Roosevelt’s policy, now, against Wall Street.” That’s the only way you can solve the problem.  Otherwise you’ve got something that’s going to accelerate, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  And what you have to do, is pose the fact that there will be no solution unless Wall Street is put out of business right now. That’s what Franklin Roosevelt did in effect.  He shut down Wall Street, which ended the inflation that was going on at that point before the election. And the only way you can do this, is to shut it down.

In other words, you can’t argue it, you’ve got to shut it down.  And you just have to cancel all so-called assets, which are not appropriate for this role.  You simply say, “You don’t get any money at all. You get no compensation whatsoever.  You’re shut out of business; you don’t exist any more.”

And that’s what Franklin Roosevelt did, in effect, in his operation of shutting down Wall Street.  You have to shut Wall Street down on a global basis, and you have to do it right away. And you have to put it out, and say “We’re warning you, you have to shut down Wall Street right now, immediately; because otherwise you won’t make it!  You may not make it to the end of next week.” That’s where you are, because the acceleration will cause the acceleration which will cause the acceleration.

And we have to go at this thing and tell people, very simple, “Wall Street has to go, entirely.  Everything that is Wall Street is cancelled.  The British Empire: Cancelled.” You shut it down. You say, “you don’t exist any more.  We don’t have any debts to you.  You are cancelled.”  And you put ’em into cancellation,— the people in government and in institutions of government, related to government, simply say “shut ’em off.” If you shut ’em off, you wipe out the debt. Now, you have to assign the debt, which is what Franklin Roosevelt implicitly did. That’s a weapon.

You simply say: “Don’t kid yourself, buddies, these games are over.  Because you’re in a hyperinflationary — a hyper-hyperinflationary inflation. And with a dead end.”  And we should be looking at something like a single week, by our action, could be readily accelerated to a point that before the end of the year, this whole thing is shut down. It’s the only solution. If you look at the rate of acceleration of inflation now, on categories that we are looking at, it means that one week can be a universe.  Just think of,— you have to go back to the medieval period, in order to see the kind of panic,— like the mass death which was induced in that period, where the whole population of Europe was in danger of being exterminated.

There’s only one solution:  Dump Obama.  Want to stop the crisis? Dump Obama.  And if you do it properly, you throw him out of office, you create a wave, a massive wave of determination to throw him out of office.

Now, if you throw him out office in that manner, we don’t have much of a problem.  We have a Franklin Roosevelt type of problem, of what his policy was; and all you have to do is ready,— what he did in the opening period of his government, and that’s exactly what the recipe is.  He didn’t have that kind of problem, because he had prevented it from the beginning!  I mean, you’ve got all these assets and so forth, food assets, production assets, all these kinds of assets; skill assets, they still exist; they exist impaired, but they exist.  All ready to be used, if only you shut the thing down!

If you try to maintain it, and try to buy into it, you’re finished; so you have to shut them down and Obama has to be shut down.  Blame Obama for the crisis!  And say, “he must be thrown out of office, because he is the source of this problem,” and he is!  Because his role on behalf of the British Monarchy,— and he was a tool and is a tool of the British Monarchy,— is what the whole crisis is about!  Now there were other stages with the Bushes and so forth, they were already bad. But this is the chronic one, it’s the Obama regime, and the Obama regime must be shut down immediately.  It’s the only way that the government can deal with the horror show which Obama is generating for the economy of the people of the United States and of the trans-Atlantic region in general.

Well, you’ve got to take the whole thing we just discussed, which,— this being of course a sketch.  But that’s exactly what we have to present.  And present it as the solution.  Say, if you’re willing to shut off all the income of Wall Street, and cancel all the claims of Wall Street, you can stop this problem. We have to do something else.  You also have to have constructive action, which makes that solution work. What is it?  You line people up and say, “You want a job?  You want a job?  We’re giving jobs, we’re giving jobs.  They may not be the best right now, but you’re going to live.”  That’s the Franklin Roosevelt approach to the situation we have now.

And you have to pronounce that as a policy.  Not just to say “this is the sickness,”— we have to define the solution.  What is the solution? What do we have to shut down, and why, and how? You say, “He doesn’t get any claims; he has no legitimate claim to be collected on!  You’re cancelled, buddy!”  He says, “but I need income.”  Well…

That’s what we are.  We are in that situation.  This is reality.  This is total reality time, global reality time.  And none of the rules that have been pushed along recently, have any merit whatsoever.  They’re cancelled.  And the first thing we cancel is Wall Street.

What we’re talking about is the Franklin Roosevelt style of creation of a new system of government, of financial management of government. And it has to be that way.  Because a lot of these categories are things that are put up as: “will they bail this out, will we bail this out?”  Forget it!  It’s dead, it’s a dead issue!  What we’re talking about is the practical activity of creativity, of productive creativity.  And productive creativity which is actually productive creativity, is actually what you want to defend.  And if it’s not that, then you say, “well, your case is cancelled. You don’t exist any more as a financial and economic entity.  You cease to be an economic entity.”  And you come up to get your paycheck, you don’t get a paycheck. You go to the back of the line, with the beggars.

That’s what we did.  Roosevelt managed this thing by going through a whole thing about these emergency bailouts of people who were jobless, without hope.  And we don’t want to go into that thing that way. We don’t want to have to wait for that, because now we know the experience of Franklin Roosevelt’s work,— and you simply say, “Well, we’re going back to Franklin Roosevelt’s policy, while we still have a chance to do it.”

Remember, Hoover did one thing: he sucked.

We’ve got this, right now; on the table right now, at this moment, we have the crucial evidence right in hand.  Just the developments which have broken loose in the recent period, which have become more acute in this past period, this is the great Christmas present that we’re giving to you, is the opportunity to shut down Wall Street.

 We already have examples of what the option is.  This is not something we have to worry about, as such.  It’s something we have to go ahead with and accomplish.  Just get people to understand that this is what the situation is, and destroy the myths.

No, this is it.  We take charge.  Like taking the evidence, we know what the evidence is, present it!

The point as far as I’m concerned, what we’ve gotten so far, even with the thin layer of discussion we’ve had so far on this question,— after looking at what we had on the beginning of the week,— it’s all clear.  And you can go with it, we can go with it right now. Because all the indications are there, and what you stumbled across is something you had overlooked.

And we have to announce we’re doing that; the declaration is that we have come to a conclusion, a solid conclusion, which is getting more and more people to jump in on this policy that we are presenting, and very rapidly you will find that this will become the trend of policy-making inside the United States in particular. Therefore, we are deciding the thing, and the first thing you have to do in order to celebrate this conclusion, is you have to get Obama kicked out of office.  And blame him for everything.  Because everything that is really dirty, apart from the Bushes —

A legacy, and the consequence, which is Obama.  And we just said, “That’s a fait accompli, you have no choice.  If you try to duck this issue, you’re all dead anyway.”

And that should be what we issue tonight, in a somewhat perfected mode. And that’s it:  We give ’em the scare of their life.  But it’s all true, it’s all happening.  And the cases like the Canadian case, is a good example to use.  What we did in trying to fight on Saturday, the fight for California, again, is another case.  So we have these cases, and we can pull the pieces together by rethinking them; rethinking them,— that’s really redigesting them.  We have, right now, in our hands insofar as the United States itself is concerned, we have in our hands the responsibility to deliver this policy now, and set this out.  And say, “Of course, really, the only way this system will actually work for mankind, is to get Obama kicked out of office.” Instead blame Obama for all of the problem, because he is the one who authored,— in his term of office,— who created this mess, in full fledge.  Well, this means that Obama has to be thrown out of office right now.

And don’t worry about what’s going to happen in China.  Just think about what’s going to happen if Obama is not removed.

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