The New Year in the Shadow of Fascism: Trump Condemns Any Increase in Minimum Wage Because “Wages Are Too High” Despite Historical Evidence That a Low Wage Economy Is a Disaster; A Distant Mirror for the Trump Fascist Movement Is the Savage Attack on Real Wages Under Mussolini and Hitler: Italian Workers Took Pay Cuts of 60% to 75% Over a Dozen Years, While German Wages Fell Between 25% and 40% in Just Two Years; – But Can Fascism Really Happen Here?

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Wednesday, December 30, 2015

In the view of the Tax Wall Street Party, a basic understanding of fascism has now become an indispensable part of the conceptual equipment needed by the average voter to be able to cast a responsible ballot in […]

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