The Quickest, Easiest DIY Health Tests

No fancy equipment, no cost, no waiting to see the GP – welcome to the quickest and easiest health check-ups yet. These simple tests, which you can do in the comfort of your own home, are surprisingly revealing about the state of your health. Best of all, they each take only a minute or so to do…


Do this:  Look at a door frame or large window frame from across a room, first with your right eye only (put your palm over your left eye for 30 seconds), then your left eye only.

What it means: A healthy tongue coating should be clear, but if the coating that comes off on the spoon is thick, coloured or smells unpleasant, it could be an early sign of problems with your respiratory system, your liver, kidneys, hormones or gut.

This test is the closest indicator of how your breath smells to other people. A sample from the back of the tongue is key because a coating of bacteria can build up more easily here (unlike the front of the tongue, which cleans itself as it rubs against the teeth and roof of the mouth). The hot lamp grows the bacteria – and amplifies the odour.

A fruity smell could indicate ketoacidosis (when your body burns fat for energy, which can be a sign of diabetes), an ammonia smell could be kidney problems and other smells can indicate gastric or lung problems. See your GP if you are concerned.

But be reassured, research suggests that 90 per cent of all cases of halitosis (bad breath) have a less sinister oral origin (gum disease, infected tonsils, cracked fillings or tooth decay), so see your dentist.

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