The real reason why the AMA wants to destroy homeopathy

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‘Why does Western medicine hate homeopathy? Since the 1800s, conventionally-trained medical doctors have been taught that homeopathy is quackery, even ‘devilish.’ Mind you, these are the same people that thought bloodletting, leeches, mercury and lead were good to “treat” disease conditions.

A sinister plan to suppress the truth. Since the 1800s, despite its popularity among the most respected people in society, the American Medical Association (AMA) has done everything it can to wipe out homeopathy. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman, and Ronald Whitmont, M.D. talk about how homeopathic remedies can help to resolve infections plus many other chronic disease conditions.’

Read more: The real reason why the AMA wants to destroy homeopathy

The post The real reason why the AMA wants to destroy homeopathy appeared first on David Icke.

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