Threat to the establishment, David Icke, speaks out over ‘calculated’ Australia speaking visa delay

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‘This is an indication that as Mr Icke’s popularity and influence has grown through the decades, he has now become a very real threat to the establishment, in particular governments that are under the control of the British Monarchy.

Once dismissed as an outlandish ‘conspiracy theorist’, David Icke’s research into the political spectrum, corporate corruption and crimes of the establishment demonstrate a level of credibility and accuracy that you will rarely find in the mainstream media. This combined with his unique ability to accurately predict political moves on the world stage, often years in advance, has forced many to sit up and take notice.’

Read more: Threat to the establishment, David Icke, speaks out over ‘calculated’ Australia speaking visa delay


Petition started calling on Australian government to allow David Icke to speak in the country – please sign

Latest on the calculated delay in allowing David a visa to speak in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane this summer.

Australia is a free country?

Please circulate – especially in Australia.


Sign the petition here …

PLEASE NOTE: To ask the government what is going on with the visa you can use this email address for Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection:

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