Tiny amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup in food cause kidney and liver damage, cancerous tumors


‘Long-term consumption of tiny levels of Roundup herbicide that are lower than those permitted in U.S. water supplies can lead to liver and kidney damage caused in part by changes in gene expression. This is according to a study conducted by an international group of researchers from France, Italy and the United Kingdom that was published in the journal Environmental Health on August 25.

Roundup, also known by the name of its active ingredient glyphosate, is the top-selling herbicide in the world. It is produced by Monsanto.

“There were more than 4,000 genes in the liver and kidneys [of the rats that were fed Roundup]whose levels of expression had changed,” said lead researcher Michael Antoniou of King’s College London.’

Read more: Tiny amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup in food cause kidney and liver damage, cancerous tumors

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