Total idiocy of government agricultural subsidies now undeniable as peanut glut threatens to cost taxpayers billions in farm bailouts


‘Why millions of Americans continue to believe that the federal government should be empowered with so much regulatory authority over the private sector and the economy, given Washington’s abysmal record of “managing” things, is one of the great wonders of the modern era. But unfortunately, until more of us begin to demand that our representatives both defund and defang the federal Leviathan – now numbering more than 435 government agencies – the same government that spent more than $2 billion to build one website,will continue to frustrate us and cost us too much money.

Consider one the most recent outrages: Uncle Sam’s inability to “manage” peanut production.’

Read more: Total idiocy of government agricultural subsidies now undeniable as peanut glut threatens to cost taxpayers billions in farm bailouts

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