Turkey abuses refugees, deports them back to warzones – Amnesty

A Turkish Gendarme leads a group of refugees to buses to prevent them from sailing off for the Greek island of Chios by dinghies, at a beach in the western Turkish coastal town of Cesme

‘The Turkish government has been rounding up refugees and transporting them to detention centers where they are abused and mistreated, according to Amnesty International. From there, many are deported back to “warzones” in Iraq and Syria.

In a Wednesday report titled ‘Europe’s Gatekeeper,’ Amnesty alleges that Turkey has been “herding scores – possibly hundreds – of refugees and asylum-seekers onto buses” and transporting them “more than 1,000 kilometers to isolated detention centers where they have been held incommunicado,” the organization said in a press release.

It goes on to cite refugees who claim they were beaten and shackled for days before being sent back to the same countries they had fled.’

Read more: Turkey abuses refugees, deports them back to warzones – Amnesty

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