Turkey Has Plans to Station 1000s of Troops at New Military Base in Qatar


‘As part of a “multi-purpose” mission to confront “common enemies,” Turkey will establish its first overseas military installation in Qatar.

“Turkey and Qatar face common problems and we are both very concerned about developments in the region and uncertain policies of other countries…We confront common enemies,” Ahmet Demirok, Turkey’s ambassador to Qatar, said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. “At this critical time for the Middle East cooperation between us is vital.”
The base will be used to station approximately 3,000 troops, as well as air and naval units, special operations forces, and military trainers. While Demirok did not elaborate on who, exactly, “common enemies” refers to, he did indicate that the base will be used primarily for joint training exercises.’

Read more: Turkey Has Plans to Station 1000s of Troops at New Military Base in Qatar

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