US airstrikes kill 12 civilians in northern Iraq: Medics


get-attachment (15)‘At least a dozen civilians have been killed in two aerial assaults by US military aircraft in the beleaguered northern Iraqi city of Mosul, eyewitness and medical sources say.

The airstrikes took place in quick succession and within a 10-minute gap at about 3 p.m. local time (1200 GMT) on Monday, leaving a total of about 20 people dead, including at least 12 civilians.

They air raids purportedly targeted the houses of a local Takfiri commander and his son in the July 17 district of western Mosul, which is controlled by Daesh terrorists.

They came only three days after a US airstrike hit the Iraqi army’s 3rd Division 55th Brigade near Fallujah and claimed the lives of at least 10 Iraqi soldiers.’

Read more: US airstrikes kill 12 civilians in northern Iraq: Medics

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