US Now Provoking World War As Pope Proclaims This Christmas May Be The “Last For Humanity”

Is it possible that world war is on the horizon? Please read on to see how this may be possible.

The Dollar Vigilante has been on the forefront of predicting various kinds of economic and military chaos based on its successful Shemitah analysis. Soon TDV will release an updated, Shemitah-oriented forecast for the new year and the signs for 2016 are even more disturbing than for 2015. In the summer, TDV correctly predicted the August/September crashes worldwide and subsequent chaos in the European Union as the Schengen Area agreements fell apart.

But as TDV will show in its upcoming Super Shemitah Trends video featuring the Jubilee Year, 2016 may harbor events even more horrible.

The terrible events now occurring are manmade and thus available for forecasting for those who understand the code. Soon we’ll be providing a road-map to 2016 based on understanding of Jubilee Year patterns, post Shemitah end-day.

Our conclusions make shocking reading – and viewing – and we’re not happy about them but it is important information that deserves to be released. Only by analyzing potential problems and crises can we begin to prepare solutions. And that’s what we do here at TDV via our publications, books and flagship TDV newsletter – provide solutions.

Our findings unfortunately correspond to current shocking headlines circulating around the world.

It wasn’t enough for the US to destabilize the Ukraine, drawing Russian troops into a shooting war in both that region and also in Syria. Now the Pentagon is deliberately provoking China by stating that it does not accept the Chinese no-fly zone over the South China Sea and intends to conclude a deal for well over a billion dollars to China’s proclaimed enemy Taiwan.

The Pentagon is already involved in destabilizing Ukraine and Syria, thus forcing Russia into military actions that threaten to bring the US directly into confrontation with Russian military forces in both regions.

Ironically, US policy toward China is the result of a military “pivot to Asia.” This is reportedly the brainchild of the Brookings Institution’s Robert Kagan who is married to US diplomat Victoria Nuland. It was Nuland who made headlines in Ukraine when a phone call of hers plotting political measures to remove Ukraine from the Russian sphere of influence became public.

Incredibly, the Pope – reflecting such developments – has made the astounding claim in a recent speech that this Christmas “may be the last for humanity.” In an announcement filled with fearful rhetoric, the Pope claimed that the world might be unrecognizable by this time next year.

He is reported to have said, “While the world starves, burns, and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations for those who choose to celebrate it may be their last… As Jesus and God weeps, I do too.”

Interestingly, in December, the Pope also declared this coming year, starting this December, as an emergency “Jubilee Year”.

The Pope’s terrible claim parallels a shocking video interview between investigative journalist Abby Martin and retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, “a former national security advisor to the Reagan administration and assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations.”

Wilkerson accuses the US of being a failed empire that needs to destabilize the world in order to continue its increasingly questionable existence. The interview explains that the US’s serial wars are necessary to sustain an empire that is failing in any case. It is one that supported by war and its actions are growing more outrageous and evolving into torture and even genocide.

Wilkerson said he began to speak out after he discovered that Iraq torture was an administrative policy and that US violence around the world was a necessity to sustain the military industrial complex.

It is very possible that the sociopathic forces currently running the world seek a kind of “endless war” and are setting the stage for its development. But nonetheless, we are capable of human action to defend our families and our wealth. What is done by humans can be undone and we don’t have to sit around like “potted plants” in a vegetative state surrendering to the world’s malevolent actors.

Tune out the rhetoric and take action assert your independence, The world is a big place with plenty of opportunity for those who are resolute and refuse to be terrified on schedule – and as intended.

In our TDV publications and especially in our newsletter we regularly suggest solutions. Those who subscribe gain access to other TDV publications and also to our meet-up groups around the world.

The bi-monthly 50-page-plus TDV newsletter is crammed with information you need to know now in these perilous times. Not only does it reflect our successful Shemitah-oriented forecasting, it also shows you how to counteract the fearmongering and manipulation of the mainstream media with sound principles of wealth preservation and ways to even profit from this heinous world fast being forced upon us.

I would urge you to take advantage of our service as we head into this dire year. Who else is ahead of the curve as we are?

You’ll need to read our upcoming critical newsletters to understand fully the steps you need to take next. I want to help you prepare for tomorrow. We understand what’s going on and we want to take you on our journey.

There are very few publications willing to tell the full truth about what’s taking place and we’re one of them. Please join us here.

As well, keep your calendar clear for the upcoming TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit (details to be announced soon) to be held on February 18th, 2016. It also may be one of your last opportunities to get your ass & assets in order… Isn’t that what the Pope believes?

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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