Venezuelan Electoral Outcome Will Fuel British Plan to Roll Back the BRICS in South America

In Venezuela’s Dec. 6 parliamentary elections, the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) suffered a resounding defeat at the hands of the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), a wholly-owned asset of the global Project Democracy apparatus whose specialty is orchestrating regime change around the world at the behest of the British Empire.

As of this writing, the MUD has officially won 107 seats in the 167-member National Assembly, against 55 for the PSUV. Additional seats are still in dispute, but if the MUD wins three more, it will have full control over the legislature, and be in a position to overturn legislation passed by President Nicolas Maduro’s party, and by the late Hugo Chavez before him. Against the backdrop of a dire economic crisis, characterized by severe shortages of food, medicine, and other daily necessities, the opposition is already discussing removing gasoline subsidies, price controls and other programs for the poor, whose elimination would unleash complete chaos.

The parliamentary result shouldn’t be seen as just a Venezuelan matter, however. The elections follow by two weeks the victory of London-controlled neocon, Mauricio Macri, in taking the Argentine Presidency, ending Argentina’s crucial regional leadership role under President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in posing the BRICS development paradigm as the only sane alternative for the entire region to the Trans-Atlantic system’s policies of destruction and depopulation. Following the July, 2014 BRICS summit in Fortaleza, Brazil, virtually the entire continent, represented by regional organizations such as Unasur (Union of South American Nations) and Celac (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), lined up with the BRICS.

As Lyndon LaRouche told associates Dec. 5, “with the breakdown of Argentina, what’s left in terms of most of South America is doomed. There’s some things that are still holding on, but overall it’s doomed.” The British are going in for the kill, to foment destabilization and regime change throughout the region.

BRICS member Brazil is a prime target, as bogus impeachment proceedings launched against President Dilma Rousseff are intended to remove her and pull Brazil out of the BRICS altogether. In the wake of Venezuela’s Dec. 6 elections, London and Wall Street’s agents will ramp up destabilization operations in that country to dump Maduro. Instability in Ecuador has increased over the recent period, aided by a gaggle of Project Democracy operatives closely allied with the Venezuelan opposition. Bolivia and Nicaragua are also on the target list.

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