We Stopped Mass Murders

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.


Louisiana – Islam declared war on unarmed civilians.  It is the muslim way, after all.  We’ve watched our politician dither.  What should ordinary citizens like us do?  Despite their heartfelt desire, Police and Sheriff’s Deputies cannot be everywhere to protect us.  Law enforcement does their best, but we need to protect ourselves until help arrives.  We have.  Armed citizens stopped mass murder.  Ordinary people like you and me saved lives time after time.the citizen gun owner had not intervened.  Would every one of these events turned into a mass public shootings?  We will never know because a legally armed citizen stopped them.

You seldom see examples of civilian self-defense covered in the news.  The reasons are easy to understand.  Most self-defense incidents end without gunshots.  In the rare instance when the gun is fired, the number of people injured is usually confined to the attacker.  That isn’t sensational news.  In short, it is easy to report when many lives are lost.  It is hard to report when many lives are saved.  I report on citizen self-defense every week.  Armed citizens defend themselves every day.  They save lives in private.. and when they are out in public.   You always suspected that was true.  Now you know.

It is easy to report when many lives are lost.  It is hard to report when many lives are saved.

President Obama never noticed.  You did.  You set firearms sales records on Black Friday.  Thank you.

Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

The post We Stopped Mass Murders appeared first on LewRockwell.

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