10 Terrifying People-Control Weapons

With economic turmoil, global climate change, and wars across the globe, riots and protests have become an increasingly big problem for world governments. While some still go with the old-fashioned methods for brutally cracking down on protesters, some governments have turned to technology for more effective ways to corral their own citizens. Some of these weapons are quite terrifying, hardly humane in the least, and could have terrible consequences if we allow them to become a normal part of everyday life.

10 Sonic Weapons Designed For Crowd Control

The Active Denial System sounds like something straight out of a comic book. This “sci-fi” weapon is a heat ray, and while that may seem utterly ridiculous, the truth is that the US military has been carefully developing this device for many years now. The heat ray was developed for riot control purposes, and US officials are incredibly proud of their accomplishment.

Designed for military use against crowds, the heat ray could be an incredibly effective way to disperse civilian rioters in a nonlethal manner. Its inventors claim that you will not hear, see, or smell the weapon coming. Instead, you’ll feel an intense heat that causes you to feel like you are standing in front of a furnace. The military believes this will cause people to quickly disperse from an area.

However, some are skeptical about the safety of such a device. A few researchers have pointed out that due to the way heat disperses, people toward the middle of a crowd could face serious injury or death. Others have speculated on the possibility that if the weapon is used on an already hot day, it might cause a crowd to become delirious or enter a full-on panic. There is also the possibility that people in the back of a crowd could make it difficult for those near the front to escape, thus causing them to burn.

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