£100bn+ for Britain’s Trident WMD better Spent on Hospitals


‘£130bn, if the report was anywhere near correct, could be used to build more than two hundred (200) fully­-equipped, new hospitals nationwide to a similar specification of the planned new Royal Liverpool Hospital ­ in a move that could revolutionise the NHS in Britain.

Unfortunately, the Cameron government would prefer to spend that money on nuclear weapons that would be completely useless against existing nuclear states such as Israel that already has a fleet of second­-strike, nuclear armed submarines secretly patrolling the Mediterranean, the Gulf and possibly also the North Sea.

The so­-called Trident ‘nuclear deterrent’ may possibly deter a non­-nuclear state from attacking Britain but would not deter an existing nuclear power such as Israel, Russia, China or Pakistan if, in future, one of them should decide to flex its nuclear muscle for political or regional advantage.’

Read more: £100bn+ for Britain’s Trident WMD better Spent on Hospitals 

The post £100bn+ for Britain’s Trident WMD better Spent on Hospitals appeared first on David Icke.

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