8 Biggest Diet Mistakes

Come January, the number on the scales has crept up and most of us are looking to slim down.

According to nutritionist Rob Hobson, most of us are jeopardising our dieting efforts by making simple mistakes.

Some of us give up fat and/or carbs, but this means we often feel unsatisfied and overeat later, he says, writing for Healthista.

Or we eat bagfuls of nuts and seeds, when just a handful is recommended – causing our calorie count to soar.

Snacking is great to avoid hunger pangs but if you’re not hungry then leave them out as it’s just another opportunity to overeat.

If you can, then try and opt for nutritious snacks over shop-bought, low-calorie items that often offer a short-lived satiety with little nutrition.

If you need to include snacks then keep something healthy to hand.

Healthy snack ideas include:

  • Boiled eggs
  • Dips with chopped veggies
  • Tomato, stock or miso-based soups
  • Small handful of nuts, seeds or dried fruits
  • Low-fat natural yoghurt topped with berries
  • Lean sliced poultry such as turkey
  • Canned tuna with a handful of pulses or salad

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The post 8 Biggest Diet Mistakes appeared first on LewRockwell.

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