8 Exam Questions That Divided the Internet

The 50 Cent maths question

50 cent exam question

The 50 cent exam question Photo: Facebook

A high school maths exam question about a 50 Cent piece coin sparked a debate after students complained it was too difficult.

“A 50 cent coin has 12 sides of equal length. Two 50 cent coins are balanced next to each other on a table so they meet along one edge.”

The degree of the angle between the coins is:






Find out the answer here.

The crocodile maths questions

The pass mark on a Scottish Higher Maths exam had to be lowered over concerns some of the questions were too difficult for students.

One of the questions asked students the amount of time it would take for a crocodile to reach its prey.

Do you know the answer? Find out if you got it right here.

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