A Mission to Drill Right through the Earth’s Crust


‘This week marks the start of a new project to drill below Earth’s crust into the planet’s mantle – that rocky shell a couple of thousand kilometres thick. Geologists have been trying for almost 60 years to reach this depth, but no one has yet succeeded: the latest mission might just have the technology and the funding to make it happen.

The drill ship JOIDES Resolution will shortly be setting off from Sri Lanka to a point in the southwestern Indian Ocean known as Atlantis Bank. Once it reaches its destination, the ship will lower a drill bit and tunnel through some 1.5 kilometres (almost a mile) of solid rock, taking core samples as it goes. That’s as far as the plan stretches – if the JOIDES Resolution is successful in its mission, future projects will have to take over in the drive to the boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle.’

Read more: A Mission to Drill Right through the Earth’s Crust

The post A Mission to Drill Right through the Earth’s Crust appeared first on David Icke.

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