Abolishing the Driver

Each year, I look back at the automotive stories that I feel were the most interesting and impacting from the previous year. There were a lot of big stories to choose from, here are the ones that I watched in 2015.

Autonomous Cars On The Road

Just a few years ago, a self-driving car seemed like a scene from the Jetsons. However, as we head into 2016, it looks like the roads could be full of autonomous cars by 2020. I have reviewed several new vehicles lately that can stay in a lane by themselves, and also maintain the same distance from the car in front, and brake themselves. There are still many unanswered questions, but the progress in 2015 was fast and furious, and I think it is clear these cars are going to become a reality. So how much will the Google car cost, and who would purchase it? That is one of the remaining questions. Looks like answers are not far away.

The Transformation To Crossover SUVs

At the time of me writing this, sales numbers for 2015 were not finalized. My best guess is that when the smoke clears, between 17.4 and 17.5 million vehicles will have been purchased in the United States. 17.5 million would make 2015 the best year in automotive history, and for sure we know 2015 will bring the sixth straight year of sales gains. An improving economy, low gas prices, aggressive incentives, low interest rates, and pent-up demand all contributed to the success of 2015 auto sales.

The VW Emissions Scandal

Numerous people, anticipating this column, asked me if the VW diesel scandal would be my biggest automotive story of 2015. While it arguably got the most press, and without a doubt was the stupidest stunt in recent memory, for me it still was nowhere near the top of the list. First, the numbers of affected vehicles is not that great, nobody’s life is in jeopardy, and many people will choose not to get their cars fixed once VW figures out how to repair the problem. If VW adequately compensates their TDI for the loss of value to their vehicles, this story will quietly and quickly fade away.

Reprinted from Car Pro.

The post Abolishing the Driver appeared first on LewRockwell.

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