Aleppo: Syrian Resident Speaks Out Against Rami Jarrah ‘Activist Journalist’ Reports


‘Following Rami Jarrah’s (of Soros funded ANA Press) recent hour long interview with Soros backed and funded Syria Campaign, I asked an Aleppo resident who has been sending regular reports to comment on the narrative being conveyed by Rami Jarrah, previously Alexander Page.

I will be writing a more in depth investigative report on Rami Jarrah and his involvement with Danny Abdul Dayem, Avaaz and their role in fomenting the “revolution” narrative in 2011 but just wanted to share this comment today in advance of that report.

Comment from a communications expert on surprising ability of Rami to be able to maintain a Skype connection without interruptions or quality fluctuation for over an hour.’

Read more: Aleppo: Syrian Resident Speaks Out Against Rami Jarrah ‘Activist Journalist’ Reports

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