Americans Face Destruction Unless Obama And His British Masters Are Brought Down Now

The New York Times on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, continued their running profile of the death and destruction of the American people, wrought by President Obama and his British Crown masters, with a lengthy map report of the county-by-county skyrocketing increase in heroin overdose deaths. Not a single county in the United States has been immune from the heroin epidemic, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compare to the original outbreak of HIV. In the past month, the Times has cataloged the increasing death rates among middle-aged and young adults, driven by wild increases in drug and alcohol abuse and the mounting pattern of suicides.

The boom in heroin addiction is directly attributable to Obama’s policies of drug legalization and the strict adherence to “too big to jail” treatment of the Wall Street banks. Under Obama, the Justice Department has given “deferred prosecution” slaps on the wrist to Citibank, Wells Fargo/Wachovia, and HSBC, which have all admitted to laundering billions of dollars in drug money through the US banking system. Not a single Wall Street executive has gone to jail, and none have even faced criminal indictment and prosecution. That translates, in part, to the jump in heroin deaths (47,000 in 2014, the last year for which records are available) since Obama came into office, and honored his pledge to dope legalizer and British tool George Soros to flood the United States with illicit drugs.

These latest horror stories make the point sharply: Just as Lyndon LaRouche has been warning, the entire 20th Century and the first decades of the 21st have been a period of thorough cultural and scientific degeneration, and the British are responsible. From the British-engineered two world wars of the 20th Century, through the Lord Bertrand Russell assault on science and basic education, through the British Fabian/Frankfurt School-orchestrated imposition of the culture of political correctness, which rejects outright any scientific principles of truth, the United States has been robbed of its historic soul.

On the rare occasions when genuine political leaders emerged, like Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and even Ronald Reagan, they were targeted for assassination—always by the British Crown and their Dope, Inc. and Murder, Inc. assets.

This is the real story of what has been done to the American people. Now, we are at the point where the entire global British System is set to blow out. It could happen any moment, any day. The situation is over-ripe.

There are genuine measures that could be easily taken to prevent the total disintegration. FDR’s First Hundred Days showed the way. But, as LaRouche warned on Wednesday in discussions with colleagues, this requires Presidential action—and British agent Obama will never take the actions required. This gets back to the fundamental point: Unless Obama is removed from office, and unless the power of the British Empire, including its Wall Street arm, is crushed, there is no prospect for the United States, as it was known, to survive.

That is the message that must be conveyed, because it is the essential truth of the present moment. Remove Obama by Constitutional means, wipe out London and Wall Street, starting with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, and the FDR-modeled measures can be started overnight. Succumb to the present cowardice, corruption and pragmatism that is rampant in Congress and in most other constituent institutions in the country, and the nation is doomed. The end could come through the imminent financial blowout, or it could come in the form of thermonuclear war, that would wipe out the overwhelming majority of humanity in the process.

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