Ancient Jungle Ruins of the White City

Just three days into excavations at archaeological ruins in the jungle of Honduras – believed to be the legendary ‘White City’ – and researchers have already unearthed a dozen ancient artifacts which may serve to shed light on the mysterious civilization that once inhabited the region.

Two years ago, an aerial search of the dense jungle of Honduras fuelled by local legends of a lost ancient city, revealed miles of seemingly man-made features. Announcements quickly spread that archaeologists had found La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”), otherwise known as “City of the Monkey God”. An initial ground expedition early last year dramatically revealed that aerial images did indeed show traces of a lost civilization, including extensive plazas, earthworks, mounds, an earthen pyramid, and dozens of finely carved artifacts belonging to a culture that is virtually unknown.

Earlier this week, the President of Honduras announced that scientists would finally begin exploring the ancient site, and initial results are proving to be just as exciting as anticipated.

The National Geographic reports that in just a few days, the archaeological team led by Chris Fisher of Colorado State University, dug up a dozen more artifacts including stone jars elaborately decorated with animal heads and geometric patterns, and ceremonial metates, which are thought to have been a type of throne.

An example of a ceremonial metate. This one is from the Nicoya culture of Costa Rica, 300 – 700 AD.

An example of a ceremonial metate. This one is from the Nicoya culture of Costa Rica, 300 – 700 AD. ( public domain )

“One of the metates is incised with a series of designs that archaeologists say seem to resemble those found in a Maya “sky band,” an abstract depiction of the night sky,” reports the National Geographic. “This could be a significant find, helping scientists to understand the connection between the largely unknown and unnamed culture of prehistoric Mosquitia and its powerful Maya neighbors to the west and north.”

The discovery of metates is highly promising as Fisher reports that in other parts of Central America, burials of high-status individuals, including royals, have been found beneath buried metates.

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