Bibi vs. Ban? Israeli PM accuses settlements-slamming UN chief of backing Palestinian ‘terrorists’

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‘The UN chief’s remarks triggered a swift reaction from the Israeli Prime Minister, however, who accused Ban of essentially supporting terrorists.

“The secretary-general’s remarks provide a tailwind for terrorism. There is no justification for terrorism. Those Palestinians who murder do not want to build a state, they want to destroy a state and they say this openly,” Benjamin Netanyahu said.

The Prime Minister then accused Palestinians of anti-Semitism, which he believes is the main motive of anti-Israeli attacks, rather than Israel’s controversial policies.

“They want to murder Jews for being Jews and they say this openly. They do not murder for peace and they do not murder for human rights,” he said, while also accusing the UN of bias.’

Read more: Bibi vs. Ban? Israeli PM accuses settlements-slamming UN chief of backing Palestinian ‘terrorists’

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