Cameron Accused of ‘Gagging’ Euroskeptics After Setting Brexit Ground Rules

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‘UK Prime Minister David Cameron has been accused of trying to “gag” some of his party’s Euroskeptic ministers in the ongoing Brexit debate, after he imposed a strict set of rules for his cabinet to abide by during the EU referendum.

Despite Cameron announcing that he would be temporarily suspending collective responsibility of the frontbench during the Brexit debate, the PM said this was a “wholly exceptional” situation, and listed a set of guidelines for ministers, who he urged to treat each other with “appropriate respect and courtesy.”

Under Cameron’s guidelines, ministers will not be able to campaign for Britain to leave the EU until after negotiations have been completed, warning frontbenchers not to “undermine” his efforts to secure a deal with other member states.’

Read more: Cameron Accused of ‘Gagging’ Euroskeptics After Setting Brexit Ground Rules

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