Chronic Inflammation

Chronic INFLAMMATION is a common symptom in most degenerative diseases.  These include certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Inflammation is a NATURAL RESPONSE of the body to injury.  Think of inflammation in relation to the swelling around a sprained ankle.  The body handles this injury by sending certain chemicals to the area to start tissue repair.  On the surface, this looks like swelling, but underneath the skin, much is going on to repair the damage and restore health to the ankle.

The best approach to controlling inflammation begins with CHOICES you can make.  Stop eating pro-inflammatory foods such as those made from white flour and white sugar.  Remove hydrogenated oils from shortening, margarine and fried foods from your diet.  Add healthy, anti-inflammatory oils such as olive oil, macadamia nut oil, flax oil and fish oil to your diet.  Eat plenty of alkalizing fruits and vegetables.  Avoid acidifying foods such as sodas, artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives, white sugar and white flour.  Also exercise moderately.

You can OUTSMART your inflammation.  Although you may have a genetic predisposition to certain conditions, you can control the factors that activate those genes so that you can avoid or limit the condition.

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