Cops Not Punished After Beating Innocent Child So Bad with Flashlight He’s Permanently Disabled

Untitled (3)‘Suffering permanent physical and mental damage after a Michigan police officer savagely beat his head bloody with a flashlight, an unarmed teen recently filed a federal lawsuit against the cops for violating his Fourth Amendment rights. Although the teen was cleared of the charges against him, none of the officers involved in the beating received any disciplinary action.

Around 9 p.m. on June 13, 2014, then-15-year-old Donovann Austin Braswell was hanging out with four other black teens when officers, searching for an armed man, ordered the kids to stay put. Instead of complying, Braswell and two others fled on foot. As Braswell attempted to climb over a fence, Grand Rapids Officer Sean McCamman grabbed the teen and threw him to the ground before repeatedly striking him in the head with his flashlight.’

Read more: Cops Not Punished After Beating Innocent Child So Bad with Flashlight He’s Permanently Disabled

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