Dumb and Dumber

In response to an e-mail I received from a U.S. soldier a few years ago about an unnamed “false and cowardly article spreading foolish nonsense” that I had written back in 2009, I asked the question: “Are U.S. Soldiers Really This Dumb?

Unfortunately, the conclusion I reached was that the soldier’s comments in defense of the military were not just dumb, they were “really dumb.” I also said that this soldier was “an embarrassment to everyone in the military” and that “if these are the kind of people that are supposedly defending our freedoms, then we are in trouble.” Soldiers like this, I pointed out, “are the ones who will gladly make widows and orphans on demand for the state—in the name of fighting terrorism and defending our freedoms, of course.”

A few weeks ago I received a note from a “cousin” of the soldier from a few years ago. He had only recently come across my prior critique of the other soldier.

  1. Soldiers “brave bullets and bombs” because they are dumb enough to join the military. They “brave bullets and bombs” because they invade and occupy other countries that they have no business invading and occupying.
  1. Bombs? What bombs? It is the U.S. military that drops bombs all over the world.
  1. No U.S. soldier went to Iraq (the first, second, or third time) or Afghanistan for the freedoms of any American.
  1. The American populace doesn’t need to be protected from itself; the American populace needs to be protected from the American government.
  1. If the wars that U.S. soldiers fight are evil, and following immoral orders is very probably a sin, then neither action is “a necessity to defend the freedoms our America has provided us.”
  1. God has provided Americans with many freedoms. It is the American government that has steadily eroded them and taken them away.

Be a smart soldier. Don’t reenlist.

The post Dumb and Dumber appeared first on LewRockwell.

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