EU Blundering Puts It on Fast Track to Irrelevance, Warns Stratfor Founder

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‘The EU is suffering from a crisis of decision making that means it will slide into irrelevance, George Friedman, US political scientist and founder of think tank Stratfor, said on Friday.

To effectively solve the ongoing migrant crisis, EU leaders need to provide more support to the countries that have received the most refugees and make sure the borders of the Schengen Zone are protected, Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec said, according to Czech News Agency (CTK).

The EU has a range of problems that it cannot solve because of fundamental weakness in its decision making that dooms it to irrelevance, George Friedman, US political scientist and founder of think tank Stratfor, told the EurActiv blog on Friday.

“The future of the EU is interesting, because it cannot make any significant decisions now, and it cannot decide to dissolve. What will happen is what is happening now: less and less does Europe make decisions, and when it does, European states pay less and less attention to them,” Friedman said.’

Read more: EU Blundering Puts It on Fast Track to Irrelevance, Warns Stratfor Founder

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