Experts Claim Passion for Eating Healthy Has Become a Mental Disorder


‘When you finally realize that mainstream food companies are basically selling us food full of chemicals and devout of nutrients, you may, like many others, start to become a little fanatic about reading ingredients lists, seeking out GMO-free products, supplementing with superfoods, and actually paying attention to what goes into your body.

Well, guess what? Now, you suddenly may have a mental disorder, at least according to scientists at the University of Northern Colorado who conducted a case study about the obsession of eating healthy. This new eating disorder is called orthorexia nervosa (ON) and is said to be driven by a fear of being unhealthy and disgust for low-quality food.’

Read more: Experts Claim Passion for Eating Healthy Has Become a Mental Disorder

The post Experts Claim Passion for Eating Healthy Has Become a Mental Disorder appeared first on David Icke.

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