Fireside Chat with Lyndon LaRouche, January 14, 2016

Tonight, Will Wertz, long time collaborator with Lyndon LaRouche, fills in for Lyndon.


JOHN ASCHER:  This is Jan. 7th, first of the 2016 LaRouche PAC Fireside Chats with Lyndon LaRouche.  I have some announcements:  We are gearing up our Manhattan Project over the next week.  Everyone on the call this evening is well aware of the year-end forecast of Mr. LaRouche has absolutely been borne out by the explosion of the world financial system in the first days of the new year.

Next week, for all of you who are in driving distance of Manhattan, we have a very important event coming up:  It is the birthday of Alexander Hamilton, who was born in 1757, on Jan. 11th  We are holding a very important rally down on Wall Street at Federal Plaza at noon.

Later in the week, I’ve been told, in the context of the financial disintegration now under way, and the urgency for the solution, the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, will be coming to Manhattan and there will be rally, also in the location of Citibank and the other major banks in upper Wall Street region, on Jan. 14th, a week from today.

This will be followed on the weekend, on Jan. 16th, with the Saturday Town Meeting with Mr. LaRouche, and that evening we will have a Musikabend, to celebrate the Jan. 15th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. …

There is also an excellent leaflet on the website, which is an overview of the role of the British Empire in provoking the current escalation towards World War III, the developments around Saudi Arabia, etc., entitled, “British Crown Pushing War and Genocide in 2016 ( pushing-war-and-genocide-2016).

Mr. LaRouche is unable to be with us tonight, and he has designated a member of our National Executive Committee, Will Wertz, who is also on the editorial board of Executive Intelligence Review, to stand in for him this evening.

So, Will, do you have any preliminary remarks before we get into the questions?

WERTZ:  OK.  I think everyone knows that Lyndon LaRouche, in the weeks prior to January 1st, forecast that because of the fact that our Congress didn’t take action to shut down Wall Street and to remove Obama from office, before leaving town, that we are now in an implosion of the financial system.  This is a further confirmation of the fact that Lyndon LaRouche is the most successful economic forecaster, probably in all history. And the problem here is, as we expressed, that it’s not just the question a financial implosion, but rather, we’re facing the thermonuclear war.

And we had a meeting with Lyndon LaRouche on Tuesday evening, and he addressed the overall problem, which I think I really want to make the center of the discussion tonight.  And I’ll just quote from some of his comments to begin with; because when you’re dealing with a threat to humanity, the first thing you have to do is know who the enemy is.  There’s no way you can defeat the enemy, if you don’t know who the enemy is; there’s no way that you can develop a flank for the purpose of defeating the enemy unless you know what is going on in the minds of the enemy.

And the problem we confront, in terms of the population, in terms of the Congress, and in terms of even our own ranks, is what Lyn discussed on Tuesday night, which is the fact that what people tend to do, is, as he put it, they pick an issue, they pick a matter of concern, but they always limit themselves to limited nature of things; they don’t look at the whole nature of the process.  They don’t look at the process, they look at it from “this is what I know, I have to operate and orchestrate and depend upon what I know.”  When the most important thing is, you’re not competent unless you know what you don’t know and that’s what makes fools of well-informed people, lets them fall into these traps.

Now,  I say that because the problem is, that the enemy is the British system, the British Empire, which is really the modern incarnation of the imperial system of Zeus;  it was certainly described by early Christians as the Babylonian system, which was really just a metaphor for the Roman imperial system. And that system has existed for over millennia:  After the Roman Empire, you had the Venetian system, and today you have the British Empire, which is still alive and which is plotting, and actually carrying out the murder of human beings throughout this planet.

And let me just refer to some other comments that Lyn made on Tuesday evening about the British Empire.  He said, “The British Empire is part of a Satanic movement, in general, from Zeus on. We’re dealing with a long historical process, a long struggle back and forth, and it’s always in there, a reigning force which has been taking over, mobilizing, and that’s what we’re up against. We’re not up against a problem in some way in the United States, or some group in the United States as such. We’re dealing with a global phenomenon which is chronically recurring; and you have to act to deal with that threat, not some other threat.”

And I think is the crucial issue before all of us as patriots, as citizens of the world, as human beings, primarily, that we are confronted with a Satanic force which is the British Empire.  We have a President who’s a stooge of that empire and we have a situation which is really careening out of control, unless we, especially in the United States, take the necessary actions based upon that understanding, in concert with our allies abroad, including especially Putin, the Chinese, and the other BRICS nations.

That’s the task before us today, as opposed to getting sucked in, into various traps as a result of our own small mindedness. The German poet Schiller, at the time of the French Revolution, said that a “great moment” in history had met a small-minded people, and that is the problem we have. We can defeat the British Empire, but it requires an understanding of what the enemy is, and a willingness to go after the enemy and not mince words.

So I will just open it up with those comments.

Q1:  Hi, my name is A—J— from Columbia, Md. And myself and a couple of other people were in Washington, D.C. yesterday, talking to members of Congress about Glass-Steagall.  When we got there, we talked to one member, who’s getting ready to run for Senate here my home state of Maryland, and they were like, they are “on top of it, but we need to get the rest of the Congress to get involved with Glass-Steagall.”

ASCHER:  Thanks for that report.  I appreciate that.  Will, did you have anything you want to say in response, Will?

WERTZ:  Well, this is the a reflection of the problem we have, which is that our Congress doesn’t really see its responsibility to take action. This is what Lyndon LaRouche referred to in terms of the fact that they left Washington, D.C. in December, confronted with an imminent implosion of the  world financial system, with the threat of thermonuclear war; and they’re basically looking for “somebody else” to be mobilized before they’ll do anything.  Which is an abdication of any kind of responsibility.  The extent to which we have a congressman who refuses to take the personal risk of taking action and say, “well, you have to get the other guys to move, then maybe we can do something”; to that extent we’re not represented!  They took an oath to the U.S. Constitution, that Constitution is being violated left and right; people are being murdered throughout the country and throughout the world.

And we have to insist that any Congressman can call, right now, for the impeachment of Barack Obama; any Congressman could bring Glass-Steagall to the floor of the Congress.  It takes a certain amount personal courage to actually do that.  But the point is, that the citizens have to actually insist that that be done, because I think it’s just evident:  If you don’t take action, then the blood is on your hands.

It’s like the parable of the Good Samaritan:  I mean, think of all the people, there’s a person who’s been wounded on the side of the road, who’s being murdered, and you walk the other way.  That makes you a criminal, that makes you complicit in the murder.

And it is murder!  That’s the issue, it is murder, and it’s all being done under the guise of law.  If you think about it:  Dodd-Frank, this is a murderous policy; it includes bail-in procedures, which means that as this system collapses, it is law in the United States, passed by the Congress and signed by the President, to take the savings of U.S. citizens, in order to bail out the criminal banks, which caused the problem in the first place.

You have a President who’s meeting every Tuesday, in the White House, to decide who’s going to be killed by drones, basically with baseball cards, with the names of the victims And that’s all being done under the guise of law.  And what does Congress do about it?  You’ve got a President who’s committing murder, and they do nothing.  You’ve got Dodd-Frank which is a bail-in procedure, they do nothing.  And you can just go down, Wall Street, it’s like Murder, Inc.  So what is Congress doing to shut it down?

So at this point, we’re really at the point of needing action and these Congressmen hat you described I mean, they’re basically saying, “well, the other guy has do something before I do something,” and that’s immoral.  It’s criminal.

Q2:  Good evening, this is R—, from Brooklyn.  I’d like to do a report, a very short one:  Yesterday we were doing a rally, it was really an information demonstration on Broadway and Liberty Street, and what we were doing was handing out the new leaflet which you might have been referring to earlier in the first five minutes; and this leaflet details, pretty well, in short form, all the things that you’re presently discussing.  And it goes into what Congress has done wrong and also asks for the 28 pages which is key in the Saudi situation, to be exposed, in H.Res.14 and S.1471.

I’d like to know from your guest speaker, if there’s anything he wants to add to that.

WERTZ:  Well, listen, the Saudis, as Lyndon LaRouche has stressed, they’re basically an agent of the British Empire, and Saudi Arabia was created by the British Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. And you look at the situation right now, they are carrying out a policy  — how did they usher in the New Year?  They executed 47 people, including a leading Shi’ite cleric, two or three other Shi’ites who were imprisoned for alleged crimes they were supposed to have carried out when they were still minors; and they were executed.  They were beheaded.

And this is really just an evil provocation as part of a policy being carried out by the British Empire, in order to bring the world to the point of thermonuclear war, against Russia, against China, and to reduce the world’s population, under the guise of climate change.  And the Saudis are agents of the British Empire in doing this.

And so, actually, what I’d like to add is, the 28 pages are important, but the issue here even goes beyond the 28 pages.  It goes to the fact that, as Lyndon LaRouche stressed from the word “go” when 9/11 occurred, this was a British-Saudi operation.  And you have to actually look at history to get a picture of what’s going on.

One of the things that Lyn has stressed is the importance of the forced resignation of Bismarck who was the chancellor of Germany in the 1800s.  Bismarck was really an architect of a policy of peace in Europe, through development; and he was carrying out American System policies of economic development. And at that point that was the case throughout much of the world: The Russians were emulating the United States in its economic policies; Bismarck was; in Japan, it was earlier than this, but you had the Meiji Restoration which was influenced by the American System of economics, as opposed to the British system; Sun Yat-sen in China and so forth.

And Bismarck was forced out.  He was forced out by the British and what followed that — that was 1890; what you had shortly thereafter, in 1894 was the assassination of Sadi Carnot, the President of France; in 1901 you had the assassination of McKinley.

And what came in?  You had Teddy Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson.  Now, who was Teddy Roosevelt?  His uncle was the head of intelligence for the Confederacy and had fled to Great Britain. And one of the things that Teddy Roosevelt did was to shift the foreign policy orientation of the United States towards a special relationship with Great Britain — our historical enemy — with the British Empire!

And then he’s followed up by Woodrow Wilson, who promoted the KKK from the White House by promoting the movie, “Birth of a Nation.”

Now, the point being, look at the situation today:  It was [franklin] Roosevelt who reversed this process of degeneration brought about by the British, the assassinations, forced resolutions, and so forth; but then after his death you had an attempt to reverse that process which has been ongoing since. You had the assassinations of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King. You had, then, going into the late 1970s, you had a situation where Lyndon LaRouche,  — and he went into this on Tuesday night, —  was really drawn into and groomed to prepare for the Reagan Presidency, by intelligence officials who had previously worked with Roosevelt.

But, what happened?  The British attempted to assassinate Reagan, which weakened him significantly and allowed the Bushes to come in;  Lyndon LaRouche was railroaded into jail, and then when he got out, and was again working, this time in connection with Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was subjected to an impeachment proceeding:  All orchestrated by the British.

So, then what did we get?  We got George W. Bush and Obama! Just like in the earlier period, you got Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

This is the way the British operate and this has to be understood, because you have to know that, as I said when I quoted Lyn earlier, we’re not up against a problem in some way in the United States, or some group in the United States as such. We’re dealing with a global phenomenon, which is chronically recurring, and you have to act to deal with that threat and not some other threat.  That’s the threat we’re dealing with.

What I just described, which is what Lyndon LaRouche has described is the way the British Empire operated going into the 20th century, leading into World War I, World War II, and that is the way they’re operating now, and have operated in the last number of decades, much if which has been oriented toward targetting the influence of Lyndon LaRouche who the British Empire is very afraid of, because he actually goes after the British Empire where as others don’t.

So what I’m saying is when you look at the Saudis you have to see them, as a satrap of the British Empire.  That’s the only way to look at them, and you have to see Obama as a stooge of that same British Empire, which is why among other things, he didn’t deliver on his promise to release the 28 pages, because he’s covering up for the Saudis.

Q3: [internet] Will I have a question which is like a follow-up to that which comes from our friend T— out in Lake Arrowhead, California. He notes that “the British are courting China to secure the City of London as the center of global yuan trading, while at the same time they are doing everything possible to break up the BRICS alliance. My question is since it is the same British Empire who control Obama and told him not to join the AIIB, and then they went ahead and stabbed Obama in the back, and joined the AIIB themselves, thus leaving the U.S. out in the cold. Would this new Sino-British alliance be a threat to both the U.S. and Russia? Just what is the British Empire up to?”

WERTZ:  Well, these are just typical British operations.  As an empire, they attempt to get their hands into every situation. I don’t think it’s really a significant problem per se, if we do what we’re doing.  That’s the key thing: In other words, for instance, I think the Chinese are quite aware of the British.  I mean, after all, who carried out the Opium Wars against the Chinese?  So, they’re not blind to the British problem; they were subjugated and humiliated by the British Empire for an extensive period of time, and the modern China is a reflection of an actual fight, not to be subjected to that kind of humiliation and defeat ever again.

And they do that not just for their own self-interest, but they’re also doing that for the rest of the world, so you have to basically look at the fact that China is working very closely with the Russians, with the Indians, and their approach is a policy which should be that of the United States’ as well; it has historically been the policy of the United States in our best moments.

And it’s also the policy that should be the policy of the Catholic Church, that “the new name for peace is development”: That’s the policy of the Chinese, not the policy of the current Pope who has been taken over by the British Empire!  He’s like, in a certain sense, like the Popes of the past who were under captivity in France during the dark ages.  He’s been taken over by the British Empire and is pursuing a Satanic policy of population reduction by endorsing the fraudulent policy of so-called “climate change.”

So I think that there’s an awareness of the British problem. It is the case that the Russians and the Chinese may not identify by name, the British Empire, or go after Obama, but to the extent to which we do our job, that creates a completely different environment globally.  And I think that that’s really the issue before us:  What do we do?  Because I don’t think the Chinese are fooled in this respect, particularly in light of the Opium Wars; I don’t think that they’re going to fall into traps from the British, especially to the extent we do our job.

Q4:  Good evening, this is J— from Massachusetts.  I like to talk about the Saudis a little more; I mean the royal Kingdom’s a mess; I know they have a bunch of brothers over there, that the oldest one or the first one is trying to change the laws, or something like that, so that only a select few people — I mean, there are thousands of people waiting in line, since the King’s dead, or but what I want to ask about is the currency.  It was pegged to the dollar and they reversed that, somehow.  Is that somewhat like foiling the dollar, or what effect that might have on anything?

WERTZ:  I don’t think that that’s really that essential to the tell you the truth.  I’d just go back again to this fundamental issue.  The Saudis are really nothing.  They’re run by the British Empire.  There’s a very close relationship between the British Royal Family and the Saudi Royal Family, and the British use them for their purposes.

And right now, for instance, we’ve documented this in terms of 9/11, that you had basically the British arranged a deal, the Al Yamamah deal, weapons for oil, which created a slush fund for terrorist operations. Which for instance, Prince Bandar was a recipient of these funds, and it’s documented that some of his funds were the seed funds for the first two  9/11 hijackers who came to the United States in San Diego.

But the relationship is just much deeper than that.  And you see this right now, for instance, just as they carry out these beheadings, the British government made an agreement to arrange for them to become head of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, if you can imagine that!

There’s also a number of things that have come out in Britain in recent days.  In September 2014, the British signed an agreement with Saudis to help run their judicial system.  So that’s September 2014; there’s a secret memo, and there are demands in Britain to release that memo, which have not been responded to so far.

There was a 2011 document, which recently came to light which laid out the British strategy for eliminating the death penalty, and it goes after a number of countries, including China, Iran, Iraq, the United States, but on that list you don’t find the name of Saudi Arabia.

So what the Saudis are doing right now, everything they’re doing right now, is on behalf of the British Empire policy.  The policies they’re carrying out are — they were the ones who helped create al-Qaeda in the first place.  They were behind, along with the British, 9/11.  They helped create ISIS, and continue to support ISIS.

Look at the recent period:  You have to remember that the British Empire supported Hitler!  It was just a few months ago, that you had the release of this home movie of Queen Elizabeth giving the Nazi salute.  That was just last year!  And it was not just a home movie, that’s the nature of the British Empire, the British Royal Family.  They supported Hitler, they supported Mussolini, they supported Franco in Spain.

And then you look at what they’re doing today:  It’s the British and their stooge Obama behind the Nazi coup in Ukraine. Who’d they bring to power?  They brought to power people who were Nazi collaborators, the supporters of Stepan Bandera who was a Nazis collaborator. And just recently, in December, it was announced that Ukraine was selling 30 aircraft to Saudi Arabia, and the name of the aircraft is the “Bandera”!  Then you look at these recent developments in terms of Turkey:  Erdogan of Turkey gave a speech about a week ago, in which he praised the Presidential system of Adolf Hitler.

This is one of Obama’s best friends among foreign leaders. And of course, you have the [turkish] shooting down of the Russian plane; and then the Saudi beheading of this Shi’a cleric, all of which was designed to sabotage the process of actually bringing about a political settlement and defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

So, what the British Empire is doing is carrying out a policy and the Saudis are their assistant in this, similar to what they did in bringing Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco to power back in the 1930s. And of course, their objective then was to have Hitler march east against the then-Soviet Union and they’re carrying out a similar policy today, not only against Russia but also against China.

So that’s what we’re really up against in this situation. This is really a Satanic force that we’re dealing with, and you have to identify that, as opposed to putting your head in sand, and thinking that the issue is on some lower level.  It’s not on a lower level, it’s on this level:  How do we deal that?

Now, a lot of people say, “well, that’s too big a question for me to deal with; but it’s not.  If the American population is actually mobilized to deal with this, we can deal with this. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton see to have dealt with it; Lincoln dealt with it; Roosevelt dealt with it.  So that’s what you have to deal with, otherwise it’s never defeated.

The Renaissance was a period where you had, really from the 1300s until the 1400s, a Hundred Years War in Europe!  You had the Dark Age, depopulation of half of Europe with the plague and so forth.  And the Renaissance basically fought back against that imperial system.  And you had the creation of the first nation-state in France, based on the ideas of Nicholas of Cusa who really was the first to put forward the idea that government should be by the consent of the governed, which is obviously the principle of the American Revolution.

And yet, that principle didn’t become hegemonic throughout the world, because the imperial system was not fully defeated. And a number of years ago, Lyndon LaRouche made the point that as a result of the failure to defeat the imperial system, what you had was sort of a symbiotic relationship between the imperial system and the existence of nation-states. But now we’re at a point in history where you’ve got to actually eliminate empire, and the imperial system, otherwise humanity will be destroyed; whether it’s by thermonuclear war, by financial collapse and people dying for lack of food, diseases, what have you.

You have to defeat the empire at this point, and that really is the central issue, and that’s why Lyn makes the point that it chronically comes back, it’s chronically recurring, because we haven’t dealt with the empire problem, which is the central issue that’s facing humanity.

Q5: [internet]  Will, from that standpoint, I’ve gotten two questions tonight, which are you might say, from two unwilling corners of the British Empire:  One from Ireland and then also from Canada.  I’m going to read the first one.  The second one I think brings up a slightly related question to what you were just discussing, but even deepens the issue.

The first comes from a gentleman named, K— from Ireland, who says: We “totally understand the evil within the British Empire.  How can we work with your movement and other movements to put an end to the evil British Empire once and for all? The benefits to humanity as a whole will be absolutely amazing when we do finally rid the planet of the British Empire/cabal control. Thank you: all the way from the Emerald Isle/Ireland.  P.S keep up the good work!”

Then the question from a gentleman named K— from Alberta, Canada, which is addressing the concern that “it appears that the both the perpetual wars we have suffered through since the Vietnam War was started 50 years ago, and the so-called anti-war hippie, rock music, and drug culture, started at about the same time, were actually created by the same people. My questions are first, is this true? And if it is true, what the hell were the people who did this thinking? To me, this is very sobering, and I am getting more and more angry . Does this help explain why people are not up in arms and taking action now about what is going on?”

WERTZ:  Well, yes, it is the same people, it’s the British Empire.  All you have to do is recognize that the  — if you look back after World War II, after Roosevelt’s death, the basic approach was to make sure you didn’t have leaders who were so-called “authoritarian” like Roosevelt or Kennedy emerging who would challenge the British Empire, and the population was targeted.  Not that the educational system was all that great before then, but the fact of the matter is that you had an organization called the Congress for Cultural Freedom, which was engaged in these operations against the population.  But what you had, there was an institute called the Tavistock Institute, which basically said that in terms of the United States, that what you had to do was eliminate the optimism which was reflected in the space program.  And among the thing that were done, is, 1) the promotion of the whole limits to growth movement, and the origins of that was the Nazi eugenics movement:  Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands were the founders of the entire environmentalist movement coming out of the Nazi experience.  And Bernhard was in the SS, and he resigned at one point officially, so he could get married [to the heiress to Netherlands’ throne]; but Prince Philip, numerous of his relatives were members of the Nazi Party, and the SS, so it’s not accidental that he married Queen Elizabeth who was just recently shown giving the Nazi salute.

But the basic point was to promote this policy of limits to growth, which has now become the whole population reduction policy under the guise of climate change.

You also had the promotion of the rock music-drugs-free sex movement in the 1960s.  These were all orchestrated social engineering efforts on behalf of the British Empire.  All you have to do is look at the Beatles; it was pointed out on Tuesday night by one of our associates that the Beatles actually were launched in the United States shortly after Kennedy’s assassination, back in 1963.

So this is part of the effort to reduce the population to an unthinking, animalistic, bestial state of mind, so that they don’t actually take on the empire, very similar to the Opium Wars that was directed against the Chinese.  That’s the way the British did it was essentially to induce a passive state of mind, a drugged state of mind, and that’s precisely what they have done over the decades, really beginning in the 1960s.  The Limits to Growth book by the Club of Rome, the rock-drug-sex culture, all of this was in the 1960s; it was in the same time as the Vietnam War, and the assassination of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King and so forth.

So this is a very direct attack, not just on the United States, but also upon other populations throughout the world.  So it’s just a further example of what we’re up against in terms of the British Empire.

Q6:  Yeah, this is R— from Staten Island, New York.  And I’ve been just spending quite a bit of time lately just looking at corporate law and the way corporate law evolved in the United States. And I find that it has traction with a lot of people, even on the far right, or whatever.  And we are planning for as many people as we can get to do a demo, march, whatever, on opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  So, I guess I’m just asking, is — think I’m sort of in the right area here? [laughs]

WERTZ:  I think the basic thing is that the TPP is an expression of the problem, but it’s not the source of the problem.  So in a certain sense, it raises the issue which I started out with, which is, that what we’re dealing with, the enemy’s not the TPP; the enemy’s the people who are the author of that, but the author of so many other policies, all of which are designed to commit genocide, on a global scale, in order to preserve an empire!  That’s really the way you’ve got to look at it.

And so, in a certain sense, it’d definitely be much more to the point to call for Obama’s removal from office and shutting down Wall Street; and to call for the removal of Queen of England, and the whole Royal Family.  Because it’s not a question of her being replaced by another one of these creatures.  But that’s more to the point.  We’ve got to actually do that. And we’re talking about being faced with the danger of thermonuclear war at this point.

The other issue that Lyndon LaRouche has addressed in the recent period is the whole question of natural law.  That man does make law; this is a principle embedded in the Declaration of Independence.  In a certain sense, there’s the laws of the creative principle of the universe.  That’s why it’s often said, you have the Bible or other holy documents, but the universe is where the law is actually most clearly expressed, is the concept of natural law.  And what you have to do, is you start out with the principle that man is created in in the living image of the Creator, that he’s not an animal, it’s his creativity and his capacity for what’s expressed in Greek as agapë, that’s the nature of man.

So the law has to be coherent with that, and society always has to be making creative breakthroughs in terms of the physical universe, in order for human society to continue to progress. And you have to have a society which is in harmony with the nature of man and his mission in the universe. And as Lyndon LaRouche has recently stressed, man is not an Earthling.  He’s a human being and he has a mission which is Galactic in nature. Our job is to ensure the further development of the universe, that’s really the mission of man. So we’re not limited to the Earth.

But the problem is that much of what you’re discussing in terms of these laws, most of the laws which are being created now, are actually criminal.  They’re really just a front for murdering people.  That’s what I was saying before:  Dodd-Frank, it was passed by the Congress, so it’s allegedly a law, signed by the President.  And yet, it allows Wall Street, which is Murder, Inc. to continue to operate, to kill people.  They don’t do anything good for human beings, they just kill people.

You’ve got a President who pushed the TPP among other things, who’s driving the world to the point of thermonuclear war, and who sits in the Oval Office every Tuesday, with John Brennan, and determines who going to get killed!  I mean, he’s carrying out assassinations, but they don’t want to use the word “assassination.”  Or, Obamacare, the center of which is the policy of rationing as in the Hitler program in Nazi Germany. They had the independent advisory board, which will determine what treatments will be allowed. And that was passed by the Congress and signed into law by the President!

So you have to look for a higher law, which is natural law, which is coherent with the natural man, as not an animal, but as a creative being with a mission in the universe.  That’s the way you have to actually look at this thing.

And people probably saw Obama in his press conference on gun control, where he was crying.  One of our associates mentioned to me this morning that up in Massachusetts, they ran into somebody who just said, “When I saw Obama crying, all I could think about is, all the children that he’s killed with his drones.”

What I’m getting at is again, this issue:  you have to know who the enemy is, otherwise, you’ll just fall into traps, because just going after a predicate of the policy doesn’t remove the cause of the particular evil like the TPP; you have to actually go after the cause, and you also have to have a concept of what the positive policy should be for the future.  And that’s I think really the key issue.  This is really one of the strengths of the Chinese in terms of their “win-win” approach:  They’re rejecting geopolitics and they’re not trying to build some empire, they’re talking about economic development as the new name of peace.

And Helga Zepp-LaRouche has, with Lyndon LaRouche, has organized internationally, for a policy of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, which is essentially the extension of the Silk Road that the Chinese have been advocating.  It’s including bringing that into the Middle East, so that you develop the Middle East and Northern Africa.

But you look at Obama, you know, he’s crying tears, but it’s his policies which have caused the terrorism throughout the world.  It’s his policy of removing Qaddafi, killing Qaddafi. It’s his policy of regime change in Syria, his policy of support Nazis in Ukraine —  all of these policies are what are leading to killing people!  So you have to take that on.

Or, the case in San Bernardino, where he basically instructed the FBI not to say that this was terrorism! Contrast to that to what happened in Paris, they had no confusion, when you had this terrorist attack, it was terrorism.  But here, Obama says, “don’t jump to conclusions” about it’s being terrorism.”

But the reality is, it’s his policies, and the policies of Hillary Clinton, and George Bush and Cheney before them, which have actually contributed to the terrorism and the violence.  So he’s the author of that, and yet, he’s sitting in the White House. So I think getting Obama out, shutting down Wall Street in terms of its policies, those are the things which are really urgent to do.

ASCHER: When you mentioned Obama and his tears, the thing that crossed my mind immediately which was a discussion at a recent NEC meeting, was the Masque of Anarchy, where he describes Fraud.  The way it goes, it says

“…Fraud, …His big tears, for he wept well,

Turned to mill-stones as they fell.

“And the little children, who

Round his feet played to and fro,

Thinking every tear a gem,

Had their brains knocked out by them.”

So, I think Percy Bysshe Shelley had Obama kind of nailed a long time ago.

One thing I wanted to announce for everybody, is that we are going to have our demonstration next Monday [Jan. 11], which is going to be at Federal Hall, on the anniversary of someone who clearly understood natural law, Alexander Hamilton; it is going to be at noon is the main time to be there, on Hamilton’s birthday and that’s going to be followed up at the end of the week on Thursday by a very critical rally which will bring the whole LaRouche PAC Policy Committee to Manhattan:  That is on January 14th.  So, please mark these days down and be in touch with people in the New Jersey office.

Q7: Hi this is S— from Riverside.  I have one on the economy.  Most of the people that I know are predicting the kind of crash that says nothing will be available; if you don’t have cash, you’re dead in the water.  Would you expand on that please?

WERTZ:  Well, my father died in 1999, and as we were going through the house, I found several bills, reichsmarks, in denominations of 100,000 reichsmarks.  Somehow he ended up having them, I’m not sure how he got them.  But as you know, cash is not going to be a livesaver: Look what happened in Germany, in the Weimar inflation period.  They had to go with a wheelbarrow full of cash in order to buy a loaf of bread.

So my advice is that we get Obama out and shut down Wall Street before we come to that.  [pause]

You know, anybody who says, “you’ve got to have cash,” or you’ve got to have this or you’ve got to have that, I mean, it doesn’t function!  The point is to act preemptively.  The point is, let’s not let it go that far.  Let’s act now.  Wall Street can be shut down, Obama can be removed from office.

Going back to one of the earlier reports, Congressmen who said “I signed on to Glass-Steagall, I’m for it, but you have to get the other guy.”  Well, there are 80 of these people, who have signed on in the House, or so, I don’t know the exact number; but who among them is either singly or organized as a core group of those people, to just insist that nothing else happens before this occurs.  And just says, “this is the agenda, and we’re going to make sure this is acted on.”

Now, that is what’s necessary and that’ll protect people. We don’t want to get to the point where you have a complete implosion/disintegration.  We want to take action now to save people’s lives.  And because the idea, “well, if I have cash…” then you’re just talking about yourself, which is an illusion that you can have personal survival under those conditions. The actual human approach, what do we do now to change this, so that not only I but all of humanity doesn’t suffer the consequences of inaction?

Q8: Hello, I’m D—B— from Germantown, Maryland, and my question is why is it that the Russians and Chinese, if they really want true changes, why are they not releasing all these discoveries of new technologies that could potentially change everything?  For example, the discoveries of Nicola Tesla, like the discovery of zero point energy, an unlimited sources of energy that would basically end the problems of poverty, would end the problems of smoke pollution and all these problems that it would solve.  And also the usage of hydrogen as a fuel for the auto industry.  And all these other stuff are being suppressed; if they truly want real changes, why are they not releasing all this information?  Why are they not releasing these files?

And another question that I had was, how much can we trust Russia and China, if Russia has enough land to hold all these people as refugees in from Syria, and they’re not doing it, they’re just killing them.  I mean, it’s not necessary to keep innocent people to defeat ISIS and all these  terrorist groups. They could be hosting them as refugees in Russia, why are they not doing it, if they’re really good people?  If they really want good change in the world, why is this?  Why is it that innocent blood has to be — why do we have to keep shedding innocent blood, when something could be done about it?  That’s my question.

WERTZ:  What you’re not thinking about is what I’ve addressed based on the discussion with Lyndon LaRouche, not just this past Tuesday, but over extended periods of time, which is the role of the British Empire.  That’s what you’re omitting from this discussion.  Look at what  — take the Chinese.  The Chinese are being absolutely generous.  Helga LaRouche reported, I think it was Monday night, the Chinese have offered to help rebuild Syria; they’ve offered $30 billion to rebuild Syria, which has been destroyed by this entire British/Obama/Saudi/Turkey policy of “regime change,” so-called.

I mean, you think of, what about Tony Blair:  Tony Blair not only lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; today, they just released transcripts of telephone discussions he had Qaddafi, in which Qaddafi told him that the whole purpose of the attempt to overthrow him was to set up a “Caliphate” in Benghazi. And what do we have today?  We have ISIS, in Sirte and the whole Benghazi-Derna area trying to take over all of Libya.

So the Chinese, listen, what’re they talking about?  They’re talking about going to the Moon to mine helium-3 for fusion power for humanity!  And look at Putin’s speech at the UN; contrast it to Obama.  What Putin called for was basically an anti-terrorist coalition along the lines of the World War II anti-Nazi coalition, but on the basis of international law, as opposed to the lawlessness which characterizes everything that the British Empire and Obama do.

I think you have to really look at it from that standpoint. In other words people are basically brainwashed in the United States against Russia and against China; but what do you hear about the British Empire?

ASCHER:  Absolutely.  In fact, the gentleman I think was listening to Fox News too much, because if they knew anything about Russia, I think Russia has probably taken a million and a half refugees from Ukraine.  This is just an example of what people listen to Fox News or whatever, way too much.

WERTZ:  Yes.  I would also point out that the Russian effort has already resulted in  — it may actually be in large part, a lot people who have been displaced internal to Syria, now being able to return to their homes; but also I’ve heard reports of many Syrian refugees being able to return to Syria because of the stability at least in areas of the country which the Russian efforts have contribute to.

ASCHER:  OK,  I think we’re going to take a report in a minute, so we’ll have another question.

Q9:  F— from Louisiana:  Is there a direct relationship between the crash of Wall Street, the stock market in China, and all? Or why is the media pointing that out?

WERTZ:  Listen, as Lyndon LaRouche has pointed out, as opposed to the trans-Atlantic zone where essentially the real economy’s been destroyed by the financial system, which has been a parasite on the real physical economy, in China they actually have an economic development; they have tens of thousands of miles of fast trains whereas we have none in the United States. And to develop those trains, they have to have steel, they have to have actual industry.  So the point is that China’s economy is strong.

Their stock market, as Lyndon LaRouche has pointed out, is essentially an area which was basically  — in a certain it’s decoupled from the real, physical economy, and it’s an area which has not been completely regulated as it needs to be; but the issue here, China is not the cause of the financial collapse which is occurring.  The cause is located in the long process of subverting the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, going back to the measures which he instituted to get us out of the Depression.

That includes Glass-Steagall, but it goes beyond Glass-Steagall, because what he did is, he created credit and invested credit in economic development.  We saw this with the TVA, with the Bonneville Power Authority, and Columbia River system, with the St. Lawrence Seaway lock system, the Hoover Dam and so forth.  In other words it was a policy of economic development.  And when Roosevelt met Churchill, he said to Churchill:  Listen I’m not fighting the Nazis into order to preserve the British Empire.  After this war, we’re going to use American System methods, such as I just outlined, to develop the rest of the world.  And that’s the fundamental issue.

Now, we had Glass-Steagall, although it was systematically being undermined by people like Alan Greenspan and so forth, way before it was finally rescinded in 1999, at a point when Clinton was under massive attack from the British Empire; because he was entertaining at that point, a policy of creating  new international financial architecture, along the lines of what Lyndon LaRouche had proposed for a New Bretton Woods System, in the image of what Roosevelt had done.

So the cause of the financial collapse is the policy of the British Empire not to invest in science, in creative breakthroughs, and the realization of those creative breakthroughs technologically, so as to continue to have economic progress, not only in the United States but globally.

Instead, what we actually developed was a casino economy, it’s gambling and it has no relationship to the real economy. And you know this, anybody in the United States knows this; we don’t produce anything of substance today.  And so it’s that, that Lyndon LaRouche a number of years ago, in 1995, developed a pedagogy called the “Triple Curve, A Typical Collapse Function,” in which he basically has the lower curve is the investment in production and actual productivity, and that curve is basically goes down; then you have two others curves.  One is a monetary curve which is basically contributing to a hyperinflationary curve which is going up into the stratosphere. ( EIR, Jan. 25, 2008.

And that’s paradigmatic of what the problem is in the trans-Atlantic region.  And it just got worse with the rescinding of Glass-Steagall in 1999.  But even before that, we were not actually creating credit in order to make investments in high-technology, high energy-flux density areas of the economy. And that’s what’s required. You know, when was the last time we were on the Moon?  The Chinese are going to Moon.  But we have no plans.  We can’t even get to the International Space Station, we don’t have a Shuttle; we have nothing!  That’s the result.

And that’s what is the problem in terms of the financial collapse, because there is no actual investment in the economy, in science.

So you get propaganda  which says “China’s the cause of this collapse,”  but that’s not the issue!  China’s actually investing in real production.  The United States is not; Europe is not. They’ve shut down all their nuclear power, all activity from nuclear energy in Germany.  When was the last time we created a nuclear energy plant in the United States?

We’ve adopted a policy of genocide, which is the climate change policy.  That’s what the current Pope has also endorsed. And you just have to realize that this is the problem we’re facing:  It’s the British Empire and a policy of zero growth which is actually genocide, which is murder.

So it’s a fallacy of composition and just mere propaganda to say that a problem on the Chinese stock market is the problem. The Chinese didn’t cause us to stop investing in the development of human labor power.  That was done, by the British, and we stupidly went along with it.

Q10:  Hello. This is Jessica from Brooklyn, and I want to begin by saying a small report about the things that are going on in the Manhattan Project.  Many of us who are late getting onto the call tonight, actually had chorus rehearsal in Manhattan for the Manhattan Chorus.  And I looked around in the chorus and I’m sure that Mr. LaRouche would be happy to know that we had at least three new people in the chorus this evening, and one of those persons was a very young girl that we had met previously at one of the Congress persons’ offices; who was organized by one of our members. And she came, and she got lost, but she did find us.

And one of the things that she said, when she did reach us, and we were singing the last little part of our rehearsal, she said, “Oh, my mom would love this!” And as a teacher of young people, as I am, it just warms my heart to hear her say that she was actually going to bring her mom, to the next chorus rehearsal, which is a wonderful thing; it’s inspiring that we actually are getting reading for another concert to reach out to the people and give them inspiration and hope, as far as all of this situation is concerned.  So that’s the first thing.

The second thing is, I was listening to what was said about the genocide policy of the British, and one of the things that I came to a realization about, and I think I can suggest to others on the call that they also really take stock of what this means: Genocide by the British is on all levels.  At the Saturday meeting [Jan. 2] a woman came up to the microphone and talked about how 57 schools in Philadelphia had shut down.  And I don’t know how many districts this covered, but 57 schools in the matter of six months, shutting down, means that there’s a great stress to those parents who have to relocate their children to another school, maybe far away from where they are, since school districts represent community schools.

So you think about the level of suicide that we see, that’s increasing; you think about people losing their jobs and supposedly that [New York mayor] De Blasio could create it all by himself — and if you’re from Manhattan, you know what I’m talking about, the travesty, that they’re talking about, all of a sudden, we have to do something with the homeless: What we need to do to get the homeless off the street is to pass Glass-Steagall!

So that’s the way we need to start thinking about it; that’s the way I’m organizing teachers, and I’m not trying to blow my own horn or anything, but I’m organizing teachers, thinking about this 57 districts worth of schools closing in just Philadelphia; think about that happening all over the United States, and how that takes the future away from our children, and causes people increased stress, suicide rate increases, homelessness increases, we’re listening to nonsense on the television, or they don’t tell us anything at all; we see Obama crying tears, which is a phony thing!  But we don’t hear about the schools closing, we don’t hear about the hospitals closing, we don’t hear about any of these things that are causing people to die.  We know that the IRS is getting ready to fine people, that have not gotten this so-called health insurance that Obama has been throwing in our face, which is another form of genocide.

So we have to remember to go to the website, look at the things that we need to learn, that will bolster our confidence in passing  these things on to other people; I’ve been organizing teachers with that information with the flyers, with the materials that Mr. LaRouche has presented:  Educate yourself! Pass those things along!  Remember it’s the British Empire and Wall Street that is the ultimate enemy that is causing the deaths of people all over the world, through all of these things that are happening:  Every issue points right back to Glass-Steagall and the fact that Obama needs to be removed.  Thank you.

WERTZ:  Thank you.

ASCHER:  I knew Jessica was in line there, and I was glad that she said this and I wanted to give you the opportunity in answering her to wrap up, and say whatever else you wanted to say in conclusion for our call this evening.

WERTZ:  I would just go back to what I started out with, which is what Lyn had said on Tuesday night, that people tend to take an issue, a matter of concern, and limit themselves  to that; and some of these may have their own legitimacy, but they’re really effects, they’re not the cause.  And you always have to look for the cause, otherwise you end up getting trapped, responding to merely the effects.

And one of the things that Lyn has been emphasizing, and this is a problem we have in organizing the American population, and organizing the Congress, which is the lack of a certain solidarity.  You have a Congress which is not responsive, is not representative, of the actual interests of the constituents, in the sense of constituents as human beings. And they don’t take responsibility, they don’t seem to think that they have to take responsibility, even to uphold the Constitution.

You know, the key, Lincoln addressed this in the Gettysburg Address, when he said that “government of the people, government by the people, and government for the people shall not perish from the Earth.”  And yet, right now, such a government doesn’t really exist.  And it’s our task to ensure that it does, and that it doesn’t perish from the Earth, because a lot of people gave up their lives to ensure that it doesn’t. And we owe it to them, as well as to the future.

And I think what Jessica started out with, in terms of the music, that’s really the key to it. Friedrich Schiller wrote a poem called The Commencement of the New Century, and he’s talking about the year 1800; but what he basically says is that the century really began with murder.  It’s very similar to Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy.  And what he wrote is:

“Noble friend, where is to peace imparted

Where to liberty a refuge place,

In a storm, the century is departed,

And the new, with murder, shows its face.”

But the point that he makes is, it’s really only in the realm of poetry or music, that you can regain your humanity, not as somehow an escape, but it’s like what we’re doing in Manhattan, that this is — we have the word “instrument,” I mean the human voice is an instrument; you have the instruments which are musical instruments.  But also, music is an instrument  for regaining our humanity and defeating the forces who are committed to a policy of murder, like Wall Street, the British Empire, Obama.

So really, what we’re doing with the music in Manhattan, has to be seen as an instrument for regaining humanity, “for a rebirth of freedom,” as  Lincoln said.

And so, I would just end with that.  But again, we’ve got to make sure that we’re not just responding to local concerns.  In a certain sense, it’s a lot easier, it doesn’t take as much courage to deal with a particular issue, but it’s also totally ineffective.  And that’s what results, historically in the oligarchy chronically repeating the same deadly policy, and humanity not actually becoming hegemonic on the planet Earth, and being able to carry out its mission within the Galaxy.

So it’s time that we defeat the British Empire and music is really the key instrument for doing that.

ASCHER:  Thank you very much, Will.  And I urge everybody to tune in to the webcast as well. And those who are within driving distance of Manhattan, please remember, we have a very, very critical rally on Monday, and a major rally on Wall Street next Thursday.  And please stay in touch with our coordinators on that and get involved.

Will, thank you very much, and good evening to everybody.

WERTZ:  Good evening, thank you.

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