For Good Health Inside and Out

Most people are aware that aloe vera soothes dry skin, sunburn, and other skin irritations [1], but not many know of the many health benefits the plant offers when it’s consumed. For instance, recent studies have shown that aloe vera helps the immune system, encourages normal blood sugar, and reduces redness and swelling. Best of all it’s natural and totally safe! [2]

More and more products are being created to help people consume aloe vera. One of the most popular is aloe vera juice. The benefits are many, and here are some of the most notable:

  • Aids digestion and even relieves occasional constipation [3]
  • Eases stomach ache and acid [4]
  • Increases alkalization and reduces acidity in the body [5]
  • Soothes redness and swelling [6]desirable inner leaf gel. This will need to be done whether you’ve purchased individual aloe leaves or you have a whole plant. Start by splitting your leaf in half lengthwise. This will reveal the juices inside the leaf. Next, scoop out the gel (and only the gel)! Be sure to avoid the firm yellow areas, as this is what we consider the outer leaf. Remember, this does contain different properties and is not the desirable substance you’re after for your juice.

    **Pro-tip: Try to limit damage to the outer leaf or rind, as this could enable compounds like aloin or aloe latex to seep into your inner leaf gel.

    Once you’ve separated the inner leaf gel, place it into a blender. Add fresh lemon, lime, orange juice or any other citrus flavor to meet your taste. This is a great opportunity to add more organic fruit to your diet. Before you blend, make sure you have about equal amounts of your aloe vera gel and your citrus component. I recommend 2-3 tablespoons of each.

    After you’ve blended your original mixture, add it to a cup of cold water. If you find the taste to be too strong, feel free to add more water to dilute. You might also consider adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to help add even more nutrients and a bit more zip to the taste.

    Read the Whole Article

    The post For Good Health Inside and Out appeared first on LewRockwell.

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