How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind


‘The adjective definition of the word mnemonic is “assisting or intended to assist the memory.” As for the noun definition, mnemonic means “something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.” The word mnemonic originated from the Greek word mnemonikos, meaning “of or pertaining to memory”. Based on these definitions, mnemonic is something that affects the memory.

Mnemonic is used in many different media, such as video games, TV commercials, cell phone apps, computers, and movies. The techniques used in mnemonic can be used for good or evil purposes. Unfortunately, most mnemonics of today are used to program our minds in negative ways and control how we think to a large degree. One of the most popular media used for mnemonic is television (TV).

Have you ever wondered why TV shows are sometimes called TV programs? They are called TVprograms because they are using them to program your mind with mnemonics and subliminal messages. They did not call them TV programs for no reason. It is right in your face and hidden in plain sight.’

Read more: How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind

The post How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind appeared first on David Icke.

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