I Was Brought Up To Believe a Lot of Lies

Introduction to the 2nd Edition

This post was originally published in August, 2014.  With this new post I have added several items and have updated various links.


All is for the best
Believe in what we’re told
Blind men in the market
Buying what we’re sold
–        Neil Peart, Rush

I was brought up to believe

…history is a constant progression – onward and upward.

…the Dark Ages were…dark and technologically backward.

…the Middle Ages offered lawlessness and barbarity.

…the Catholic Church ruined western civilization.

…the Renaissance was a renaissance.

…King George was a tyrant.

…Americans fought for independence.

…Americans won their independence.

…the founding fathers were selfless.

Robert Morris was America’s financier.

…government exists to protect my life and property.

…the time during the Articles of Confederation was chaotic.

…a written constitution is a check on government expansion.

…the Constitution protects my rights.

…Thomas Jefferson favored a smaller central government.

…America was never about Empire.

…Lincoln saved the Union.

…Lincoln cared about the slaves.

…Lincoln was honest.

…the West was wild.

…war was always hell.

…Japan’s aggression in Asia was a shock to the US government.

Germany started the Great War.

Wilson made the world safe for democracy.

…democracy represents the best form of government.

…democracies are reluctant to go to war.

…laissez-faire capitalism caused the great depression.

…Hoover was a do-nothing president.

…the modern nation-state is the best protector of person and property.

…there was no famine in Ukraine.

…Stalin was not as bad as Hitler.

Hitler started the war in Europe.

…Stalin was a victim of Hitler’s aggression.

…National Socialism was contrary to all western values.

US sympathy for China was a major reason for entering the Pacific war.

…Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise.

…World War II ended the depression.

…World War II was the good war.

…World War II was fought by the greatest generation.

…the United States defeated Hitler.

…Germany was the only combatant to commit atrocities in Europe.

…the west never commits acts of terrorism.

…the atomic bombs ended the war.

…the atomic bombs saved one million lives.

…the Nuremberg Trials were the epitome of justice.

…the US government would stand against world government.

…the US military fights for my freedom.

…the US military fights for the freedom of other, less fortunate, people.

…the global presence of the US military is an unwanted burden.

…foreign wars are almost…romantic.

…JFK was shot by a lone nut.

…by saving and working hard, you will retire into the American dream.

…money and banking must be managed by the state.

…central bankers are servants of the people.

…monetary policy can be neutral.

…the United States is a nation of laws, not men.

Reagan was a conservative.

…there is a meaningful difference between democrats and republicans.

…a third party would provide the solution.

…CATO is a friend of liberty.

…Milton Friedman was a free-market economist.

…central banking is not central planning.

…central banks are necessary to regulate markets.

…a weak currency is good for the economy.

…nineteen men could bring down three towers with two planes.

…they hate us for our freedom.

…the modern west offers the pinnacle of culture and civilization.

…a police officer’s job is to protect and to serve.

Palestinians are a threat to Israel.

…the US is fighting ISIS in Iraq.

…there would always be another RUSH concert….

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.

The post I Was Brought Up To Believe a Lot of Lies appeared first on LewRockwell.

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