ISIS ran major crossing operation through Turkey-Syria border, seized docs reveal – report

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‘A complex Islamic State migration operation operated through a Turkish border town less than 2 miles from Syria, passenger manifests seized by Kurdish forces and seen by the Guardian suggest. Pressure on Turkey to control its frontiers continues to mount.

According to the documents that were handed over to the Guardian by the Syrian Kurdish forces, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) ran the operation through the border town of Tel Abyad. The seven manifests seized by the Kurds contain the names of 70 people – men, women, even infants – that had crossed into the town in the period from December 2014 to March 2015.

The papers all bear IS markings associated with the group’s ‘department of immigration’ and ‘department of transport’. All appeared to be traveling from IS-held territory.’

Read more: ISIS ran major crossing operation through Turkey-Syria border, seized docs reveal – report

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