It’s All Going To Blow Up in Their Faces

As everyone knows, Peter Schiff is a regular guest on many of the major business news networks. Sometimes he just airs his opinions, and sometimes he gets into shouting matches with the host or other guests (SEE: Peter Schiff gets into shouting match with trader on CNBC).

Since just before the economic collapse a few years ago, he appeared on CNBC and warned about the pending doom that would inflict mass destruction on the United States economy. After his predictions came true, he became a hot commodity in the media. Everyone wanted him on their show. Essentially, Peter Schiff equaled ratings.

Due to the fact that everyone in the media thinks the national economy is on sound footing and getting better every day, Schiff has been vehemently criticized by his opponents. They have ridiculed him, poked fun at him and shot down any other predictions he has made.

Reprinted with permission from Economic Collapse News.

The post It’s All Going To Blow Up in Their Faces appeared first on LewRockwell.

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