Junk science study and mass media make huge leap to claim e-cigs (‘vaping’) just as toxic as cigarettes

Skeleton-Cigarette-Smoking (1)

‘The latest media frenzy warning about electronic cigarettes being just as dangerous to your health as commercial cigarettes, is nothing but Big Tobacco trying to save their customers from “exiting” the third most addictive (and costly) habit on the planet. The mass media – or “lame-stream media” – has jumped on the bandwagon of a bogus study done by a bogus researcher, stretching the data so far it snapped. And since most Americans only read and remember the headlines of the fake news, unfortunately Big Tobacco and their mass media shills may have accomplished their mission.’

Read more: Junk science study and mass media make huge leap to claim e-cigs (‘vaping’) just as toxic as cigarettes

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