Locking up North African Refugees on Samos ‘We’d rather die eaten by fish than eaten by worms’


‘“When the message reaches Morocco that Moroccans are not being allowed to cross into Europe but are being held and repatriated, the flows will drop.”

Yiannis Mouzalas [the minister responsible for refugees]said that around half of the people arriving in Greece over the last two months have been undocumented migrants.(Ekathimerini, 8th Jan 2016)

On Samos young refugee men from Algeria and Morocco are now being arrested and locked in the prison cell in the central police station. They are held there until it is possible to move them on to a locked detention camp on the mainland from where they will be deported. Police cells like the one in Samos town were never intended to hold so many people for days and weeks at a time. The conditions inside are beyond words.’

Read more: Locking up North African Refugees on Samos ‘We’d rather die eaten by fish than eaten by worms’

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