Obama and the British Delighted with Recolonization of the Philippines — China Denounces US War-mongering

The Wall Street Journal Thursday issued the British Empire’s delighted response to the Philippine Supreme Court’s ruling that the US military occupation of the Philippines can proceed, by openly acknowledging that Obama’s “pivot” to Asia is finally making it possible to militarily confront China.

“The Obama Administration pivot to Asia has generally been more rhetoric than substance,” writes the Urinal, “but the U.S. military’s return to the Philippines is a significant strategic step. Beijing should know that its behavior is alienating the region and spurring its neighbors to unite for their common defense.”

The official government paper Xinhua on Wednesday minced no words regarding the reckless and dangerous US militarization of the South China Sea, saying that the deal will “make the Philippines a launching pad for U.S. military intervention in the Asia-Pacific,” and will “only aggravate regional tensions and could push the situation to the brink of war.”

“Furthermore,” writes Xinhua, “it is ridiculous that Washington, while advocating ‘upholding international law,’ signed a deal with a country that spares no expense to sacrifice its sovereignty, Constitution and public opinion to achieve its questionable goal.”

Meanwhile, Philippines Defense spokesman Peter Paul Galvez, reporting on the meetings this week in Washington between the two nations’ foreign and defense secretaries, said the Philippines has “requested” that the US and the Philippines hold joint naval patrols.

“There is a need for more collaborative presence in the South China Sea,” he said, adding: “The US emphasized that it will not allow China to control the South China Sea. It committed to maintain presence in the South China Sea to include naval, sub-sea, air and special forces.”

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