Opposition parties must stand together against Tory plan to end Parliamentary democracy


‘The Tory attack on Opposition party funding is unprecedented and evil. David Cameron and his cronies, desperate to neuter a Labour Party that is finding its popularity again after decades as a pale-pink shadow of hard-right Conservative policies (if Jeremy Corbyn is hard-left, then David Cameron must be hard-right, right?), have thrown caution to the winds.

Their latest attack on the trade unions that defend UK workers’ rights against the naked aggression of Tory-supporting businesses will remove £6 million from Labour’s annual income, and they are also – unilaterally – cutting public funding received by Opposition parties (the so-called Short money).

Under long-standing convention, issues of party funding are agreed on a cross-party basis. The Tories have scrapped this in their bid to end Parliamentary democracy.’

Read more: Opposition parties must stand together against Tory plan to end Parliamentary democracy

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