Oregon US Representative Says US Government Has Gone Too Far Into Tyranny

Oregon US Representative Says US Government Has Gone Too Far Into Tyranny

US Representative Greg Walden represents Harney County, Oregon. This is the county in which there are protests against the orchestrated frame-up of Dwight and Steve Hammond for refusing to sell their ranch to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

The mainssream media and, unfortunately, the “progressive” and “left-wing” alternative media have accepted the government’s lie as the truth and jumped with both feet on the Hammonds,
ignorantly portrayed as “white supremists,” “arsonists,” and “terrorists.”

Representative Walton explains the situation based on facts, but facts no longer matter in America—except for my readers. I recommend Rep. Walden’s understated defense of the Hammonds.


The post Oregon US Representative Says US Government Has Gone Too Far Into Tyranny appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.

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