People My Age Have Had Their Aspirations Crushed by Austerity – It’s Time to Change That

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‘We know the devastating impact austerity has had on our most vulnerable, but what we don’t talk about is how it has resulted in crushed aspirations for a whole generation.

That generation are people my age who went through their twenties and entered their thirties as the global financial crisis gave way to an age of austerity.

Everyone deserves a home and a chance, but too many people my age in Scotland are either living at home with their parents or stuck in expensive rents unable to get that first foot on the property ladder.

Home ownership is a big ambition for hundreds of thousands of Scots, but for too many people my age it remains an ambition rather than a reality.’

Read more: People My Age Have Had Their Aspirations Crushed by Austerity – It’s Time to Change That

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