The Clintons Are Criminals : The MSM Sure does not Want to Talk About Bill Clinton’s Rapes & Violent Sex Assaults or Hillary’s Criminal Terror Campaigns

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‘The Clintons are criminals and this has nothing to do with any consensual oral sex that Bill had with Monica Lewinsky, martial infidelity or adultery. Like Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton is a sexual predator – and Hillary used Strong-arm tactics to run the cover-up. In fact Hillary is an accessory after the fact in all of Bill Clinton’s sex crimes.

Recently, Glen Kessler of the Washington Post published a so-called “Fact Checker” essay titled “A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing.” May we suggest a more pointed topic? How about a guide to Bill Clinton’s violent sexual assaults and Hillary’s criminal terror campaigns to scare his victims into silence? You can get a rundown of all that in our The Clintons’ War on Women, which is 445 pages long and backed up with 586 footnotes and a bibliography of 157 books.’

Read more: The Clintons Are Criminals : The MSM Sure does not Want to Talk About Bill Clinton’s Rapes & Violent Sex Assaults or Hillary’s Criminal Terror Campaigns

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