The Do’s and Don’ts of Becoming a Genius

Is there a secret to genius? Probably not, but there are some common traits you see in smart, creative people who are willing to break boundaries.

For our series “The Genius Behind”, we met six people who are helping to transform the world in their own way, including a teenager who built a prosthetic arm that can be controlled with the mind, an astrophysicist hunting for a “second Earth” and a scientist looking to preserve civilisation forever using DNA.

In the videos below, discover their stories – and the mode of thinking that makes them stand out from their peers:

Do… look for the indirect route

If aliens are living on a distant planet, it’s pretty much impossible for our optical telescopes to see them directly – but maybe we don’t need to. Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at MIT looking for “second Earths”, realised that we could spot life this century by searching for its signature in exoplanet atmospheres. She ignored initial scepticism – a facet often found in true innovators – and showed it could work. As a MacArthur fellow – also known as the “genius grant” – she is now scouring the Universe for atmospheres that could carry this indirect sign of alien life:


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The post The Do’s and Don’ts of Becoming a Genius appeared first on LewRockwell.

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