The Financial Apocalypse Accelerates As Middle East Stocks Crash To Begin The Week


‘It looks like it is going to be another chaotic week for global financial markets. On Sunday, news that Iran plans to dramatically ramp up oil production sent stocks plunging all across the Middle East. Stocks in Kuwait were down 3.1 percent, stocks in Saudi Arabia plummeted 5.4 percent, and stocks in Qatar experienced a mammoth 7 percent decline.

And of course all of this comes in the context of a much larger long-term decline for Middle Eastern stocks. At this point, Saudi Arabian stocks are down more than 50 percent from their 2014 highs. Needless to say, a lot of very wealthy people in Saudi Arabia are getting very nervous. Could you imagine waking up someday and realizing that more than half of your fortune had been wiped out?’

Read more: The Financial Apocalypse Accelerates As Middle East Stocks Crash To Begin The Week

The post The Financial Apocalypse Accelerates As Middle East Stocks Crash To Begin The Week appeared first on David Icke.

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