The Technocracy’s 1984 Predictive Programming


‘All the smart dummies, upper class and yuppies go along with and/or join the Outer Party, thinking they’ll win, when the Inner Party hates them more than the proles.

As I have documented many times, the coming technocracy is not something to come in the dark, distant future, but a present reality. Snowden’s supposed “revelations” were nothing more than rehashed information from years ago that James Bamford included in all his books. Technology is actually 30 years ahead of what is released to the public, and this means the coming AI dominated central system is presently in its reconnaissance stage, gathering intel on the best human opponents through the large online gaming communities. Through all the tracing and tracking, the supercomputers are storing the data for future-predictive algorithmic war gaming.’

Read more: The Technocracy’s 1984 Predictive Programming

The post The Technocracy’s 1984 Predictive Programming appeared first on David Icke.

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