US environmentalists take legal action to stop U2 guitarist The Edge’s Malibu mansions project


‘America’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, Sierra Club, has filed a lawsuit to stop a member of one of the world’s most popular rock bands, U2, going ahead with plans to build five mansions on a Malibu hilltop.

U2 lead guitarist, The Edge, was granted approval for the project, which includes a consortium of four other Irish investors, by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) last month after an almost decade-long battle.

The Edge, whose real name is David Evans, bought the 156 acre plot of land in 2005. In 2011 the project was blocked by the CCC, eight votes to four, citing concerns from environmentalists that the mansions would be an eyesore on the coastline.

The commission’s executive director said at the time the project was “one of the three worst projects in terms of environmental devastation” that he’d seen.’

Read more: US environmentalists take legal action to stop U2 guitarist The Edge’s Malibu mansions project

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